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Hume F Alamce AG BLU WHM GEO SCH master, Yaggy in progress 3/6 Legend Reforged +2/3
(Topic in the Sell Final Fantasy XI (FFXI) Accounts forum)
05-01-2020, 09:43 PM
Hume F Bard Ghorn/DDB 9x master RoV done Nyame, malform flute +3 Omen Ambu
(Topic in the Sell Final Fantasy XI (FFXI) Accounts forum)
10-11-2022, 07:19 AM
Hume F Burt Aegis Anny Chango DP Fomal Lion Rag 4/5 Legend +3 reforge 4/4 MoLight, Malign, Regal
(Topic in the Sell Final Fantasy XI (FFXI) Accounts forum)
03-01-2020, 09:57 AM
Hume F Burt/Aegis/Duban(3) Sortie+3 RoV tVR nyame/sakpata 20 su5+2 8x volte ashera unt+1 malig
(Topic in the Sell Final Fantasy XI (FFXI) Accounts forum)
02-10-2024, 04:28 PM
Hume F DDB/Ghorn 11x master 3x legend RoV, Tplate, Dring, Regal DI, C. Palug, Ready for Mythic!
(Topic in the Sell Final Fantasy XI (FFXI) Accounts forum)
01-11-2024, 08:37 PM
Hume F DDB/Ghorn 8 99's 110 Gold +2 Shield subcrafts, HQ Kaykaus+1, RoV Complete! Perfect Mule
(Topic in the Sell Final Fantasy XI (FFXI) Accounts forum)
09-25-2017, 06:15 AM
Hume F DeathP/Fomal Sortie+2/+3 5/5nyameR20 agwu@20 tVR done. Full Malig 450k seg/900k+ muffin
(Topic in the Sell Final Fantasy XI (FFXI) Accounts forum)
08-31-2023, 09:27 AM
Hume F DeathP@15 Sortie+2 Nyame@r25 Rostam Regal malig Naeg tVR+RoV
(Topic in the Sell Final Fantasy XI (FFXI) Accounts forum)
02-10-2024, 04:45 PM
Hume F Epeo REA brd Nirvana Gastra + more, Reforged +3, omen/regal + malignance
(Topic in the Sell Final Fantasy XI (FFXI) Accounts forum)
05-19-2020, 12:53 PM
Hume F GEO 6x 99 ML Dring reforge+2 Rov Done Omen/Ambu Unity+1
(Topic in the Sell Final Fantasy XI (FFXI) Accounts forum)
06-07-2023, 06:48 PM
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