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What is an essay?

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  • dominiccooper
    EGS Registered
    • Jul 2021
    • 2

    What is an essay?

    An essay is a specific genre that is intended to show not only what the author has learned, but also his attitude toward it. Translated from the French language, essay means "essay, sketch" says advanced writers review.

    In an essay it is important to show your position, to justify: what, how, why and why. Here it is important not to answer a specific question, but to defend your opinion.

    The essay has its own specifics, which are manifested in the following:

    Narrow focus. When writing an essay explores a specific topic, you have to think narrowly, but it is this approach that allows you to understand how the author understands and accepts this or that position, opinion, story or narrative, etc.
    Author's Opinion. In an essay, it is important to reflect exactly the opinion of the researcher, his point of view. This is what distinguishes it from the proverbial essay and an essay.
    The peculiar style of presentation of the text. An essay implies writing a text in a conversational style, but strictly within the limits of culture, ethics, and decency. The use of foul language and jargon is unacceptable. It is enough to state your thoughts in simple and understandable language. It is best to do this with the help of short sentences, literary, emotional words. Avoid youth slang and foreign turns of phrase.
    Lack of strictly regulated structure. All material the author presents in his own way in any sequence. The main thing was that the text was consistent, logical, capacious and understandable. The main thing is to fully show the problem and the author's attitude to it.

    Thus, the essay is a unique text, in which the student should show his/her attitude to the chosen topic, problem, the ability to analyze the situation, to draw reasonable conclusions, to think logically.

    Related Resources:

    Essay writing tips and common mistakes
    How to write an essay?
    Problems and possible difficulties in writing essays
    Essay outline (structure)
  • AngelSwift
    EGS Registered
    • Jun 2021
    • 15

    Thanks for sharing!
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    • Monica
      EGS Registered
      • Jun 2021
      • 14

      Thanks for your posting! As a university teacher teaching in China, I often find it hard to improve my students' essay writing abilities and your posting could give some inspiration.
      Better job, Better Education, Better World. Explore more for teaching in Guangzhou.


      • DarrenBell
        EGS Registered
        • Jun 2022
        • 2

        Thanks to a large number of great samples on the website, I managed to compose top-grade sociology essay examples in several days with no stress.
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        • toxatyt
          EGS Registered
          • Aug 2022
          • 4

          good topic


          • Elvin
            EGS Registered
            • Aug 2022
            • 8

            Thanks for the information!

