Windurst 10
Reg Codes: NO
Server Xfer is Available

Zilart: Complete!
Promathia: Complete!
ToAU: Complete!
WoTG: Complete!
C.Prophecy: Complete!
A Moogle Kupo d'Etat: Complete!
A Shantotto Ascension: Complete!
Abyssea: Vision/Scars/Hereos Purchased
Dynamis: All Access
Seekers of Adoulin: Complete!
Value in misc. sellables 760k
Noteable Melee Rare/EX
Annihilator (119)
Ukonvasara (90)
Twashtar (80)
Ragnarok (75)
Anahera Sword
Pukulatmuj +1
Arendsi Fleuret
Mekosuchus Blade
Tramontane Axe
Tinhaspa (Atk +15, Str +12, Dmg +5)
Atoyac (Magic Acc +30, Weapon Skill Dmg +2%)
Nativus Halberd
Vanir Knife
Ajjub Bow
Tsoabichi Crossbow
Taeon Tabard
Taeon Tights
Taeon Boots
Orion Beret +1
Orion Jerkin +1
Orion Bracers +1
Orion Braccea +1
Orion Socks +1
Arcadian Beret +1
Arcadian Jerkin +1
Arcadian Bracers +1
Arcadian Braccae +1
Arcadian Socks +1
Pillager's Bonnet +1
Pillager's Vest +1
Pillager's Armlets +1
Pillager's Culottes +1
Pillager's Poulaines +1
Plunderer's Vest +1
Plunderer's Armlets +1
Plunderer's Culottes
Foire Dastanas +1
Foire Churidas +1
Pitre Taj +1
Pitre Tobe +1
Pitre Churidars +1
Agoge Mask
Agoge Lorica
Agoge Mufflers
Agoge Cuisses
Agoge Calligae
Pummeler's Mask +1
Pummeler's Lorica +1
Pummeler's Mufflers +1
Pummeler's Cuisses +1
Pummeler's Calligae +1
Luhlaza Keffiyeh
Luhlaza Jubbah
Luhlaza Bazubands
Luhlaza Shalwar
Luhlaza Charuqs
Maxixi Tiara +1
Maxixi Casaque +1
Maxixi Bangles +1
Maxixi Tights +1
Maxixi Toe Shoes +1
Horos Tiara
Horos Casaque
Horos Bangles
Horos Tights
Horos Toe Shoes
Hesychast's Gaiters
Cizin Helm
Cizin Mufflers
Iuitl Wristbands (Snapshot +1, PDT -1%)
Iuitl Gaiters +1
Otronif Harness
Otronif Gloves +1 (Atk +9, PDT -4%)
Otronif Brais +1 (PDT -4%)
Otronif Boots +1 (Acc +10, PDT -3%, MDT -2%)
Umbani Cap
Quiauhiz Helm
Otomi Helm
Adorned Helm
Gavlialis Helm
Twilight Helm
Imperial Wing Hairpin
Felistis Mask
Yaoyotl Helm
Qaaxo Mask (Atk +3, Str +3)
Whirlpool Mask
Thaumas Set 5/5
Phorcys Set 5/5
Ares's Cuirass +1
Kheper Jacket
Twilight Mail
Emet Harness
Mekosuchinae Harness
Hime Domaru +1
Qaaxo Harness (Atk +15, Eva +15, Double Atk +2%)
Xaddi Gauntlets (Acc +15, Store TP +3, Double Atk +2%)
Umuthi Gloves
Sigyn's Bazubands
Buremete Gloves
Blood Cuisses
Abatteur Subligar
Are's Flanchard +1
Quiahuiz Trousers
Osmium Cuisses
Ighwa Trousers
Nahtirah Trousers
Xaddi Cuisses
Tatsumaki Sitagoromo (Movement Speed +8%, PDT -4%)
Qaaxo Leggings
Fajin Boots
Ejekamal Boots
Daihanshi Habaki
Wurrukatte Boots
Ganesha's Mala
Asperity Necklace
Ocachi Gorget
Gaudryi Necklace
Iqabi Necklace
Chaac Belt
Zoran's Belt
Phasmida Belt
Wanion Belt
Hurch'lan Belt
Ukko Sash
Ponente Sash
Lutian Cape (Str +3, Agi +1, Store TP +2)
Anchorer's Mantle (Str +2, Dex +3, Subtle Blow +1)
Canny Cape (Dex +2, Agi +2, Dual Wield +4, Crit Dmg +2%)
Evasionist's Cape (Double Atk +2%, Enmity +5, Embolden +8)
Gunslinger's Cape (Magic Atk Bonus +1, Enmity -2, Phantom Roll Delay -1)
Niht Mantle (Atk +15, Dark Magic +8, Drain and Aspir Potency +12, Weapon Skill Dmg +2%)
Cornflower Cape (Mp +26, Acc +2, Blue Magic +6)
Updraft Mantle (Str +4, Pet: DT -1%, Breath +5)
Toetapper Mantle (Store Tp +4, Dual Wield +5, Reverce Flourish +19, Weapon Skill Dmg +2%)
Contriver's Cape
Annealed Mantle
Mauler's Mantle
Archon Cape
Shadow Mantle
Tripudio Earring
Domesticator Earring
Dudgeon Earring
Heartseeker Earring
Bladeborn Earring
Steelflash Earring
Zennaroi Earring
Kokou's Earring
Neritic Earring
Kuwunga Earring
Matanki Earring
Clearview Earring
Patricius Ring
Defending Ring
Epona's Ring
Archon Ring
Shadow Ring
K'ayres Ring
Nguruve Ring
Ethereal Earring
Brutal Earring
Breeze Belt
Breeze Gorget
Noteable Mage Rare/EX
Yagrush (119)
Ababinili +1
Ankylosis Wand
Tamaxchi (Magic Acc +30, Enmity -10)
Keraunos (Acc +7, Elemental Siphon +5)
Baqil Staff
Eosuchus Club
Apajamas II (Thunder Affinity: Magic Acc +6, Magic Dmg +1, Recast Time -14%)
Atar I (Fire Affinity: Magic Acc +1, Magic Dmg +6, Casting Time -14%)
Arka IV (Cure Potency +24%)
Vishrava I (Earth Affinity: Magic Acc +1, Magic Dmg +6, Casting Time -14%)
Vayuvata III (Wind Affinity: Avatar Perp Cost -7, Blood Pact Delay -12)
Oneiros Grip
Mephitis Grip
Genbu's Shield (Cure Potency +4%, Cure Spell Casting Time -8%)
Legion Scutum
Helios Band
Helios Jacket
Helios Gloves
Piety Cap +1
Piety Briault +1
Piety Mitts
Piety Pantaloons +1
Piety Duckbills +1
Theophany Cap +1
Theophany Briault +1
Theophany Mitts +1
Theophany Pantaloons +1
Theophany Duckbills +1
Geomancy Galero +1
Geomancy Tunic +1
Geomancy Mitaines +1
Geomancy Pants +1
Geomany Sandals +1
Pedagogy Gown
Pedagogy Braces
Pedagogy Loafers
Glyphic Pigaches
Gendewitha Caubeen +1 (Cure Potency +6%, PDT -3%, MDT -2%)
Gendewitha Gages +1 (Song Spell Casting -3%, PDT -3%)
Gendewitha Galoshes (Cure Potency +2%, PDT -2%)
Hagondes Hat +1 (PDT -3%, MDT -2%, Magic Burst Dmg +10%)
Hagondes Coat +1 (Magic Acc +23, PDT -3%)
Hagondes Cuffs
Hagondes Pants +1 (Magic Acc +13, PDT -2%)
Umuthi Hat
Wivre Hairpin (Refresh +1)
Kaabnax Hat
Buremte Hat
Nahtirah Hat
Marduk's Jubbah +1
Respite Cloak
Heka's Kalasiris
Anhur Robe
Vanir Cotehardie
Manasa Chasuble
Seidir Cotehardie
Telchine Chasuble
Twilight Cloak
Morrigan's Robe +1
Nabu's Jubbah
Artsieq Jubbah (Mp +30, Magic Acc +20, Mnd +7)
Lurid Mitts
Nares Set 5/5
Telchine Gloves
Artsieq Cuffs
Dynasty Mitts
Yaoyotl Gloves
Serpentes Cuffs
Otomi Gloves
Mes'yohi Slacks
Assiduity Pants +1
Theurgist's Slacks
Artsieq Hose (Mp +30, Magic Acc +20, Mnd +7)
Manabyss Pigaches
Serpentes Sabots
Uk'uxkaj Boots
Telchine Pigaches
Umbani Boots
Artsieq Boots
Orunmila's Torque
Eddy Necklace
Imbodla Necklace
Arciela's Graces +1
Siegel Sash
Sekhmet Corset
Bookworm's Cape (Int +1, Mnd +1, Helix Effect +12, Regen Potency +10%)
Lifestream Cape (Geomancy +3, Indi Effect +11, DT -2%)
Ghostfyre Cape (Magic Acc +5, Enfeebling Skill +9, Enhancing Skill +7)
Conveyance Cape (Summoning Skill +1, Blood Pact Dmg +2, Pet: Enmity +8)
Mending Cape (Magic Acc +10, Healing Skill +3, Enhancing Skill +7, Cure Potency +1%)
Pahtli Cape
Kumbira Cape
Refraction Cape
Bane Cape
Hecate's Earring
Lifestorm Earring
Psystorm Earring
Andoaa Earring
Gwati Earring
Crematio Earring
Nourishing Earring +1
Sanare Earring
Gifted Earring
Weatherspoon Ring
Sangoma Ring
Strendu Ring
Globidonta Ring
Loquiacius Earring
Mecostpins Mantle (Rng Atk +2, Def +9, Capacity Points +37%)
Ebisu Fishing Rod
Protective Spectacles
Boneworker's Smock
Fishermen's Smock
Boneworker's Cuffs
Fishermen's Smock
Boneworker's Smock
Bonecrafter's Ring
Craftkeeper's Ring
Craftmaster's Ring
Rem's Tale Ch.1 x78
Rem's Tale Ch.2 x32
Rem's Tale Ch.3 x38
Rem's Tale Ch.4 x26
Rem's Tale Ch.5 x45
Rem's Tale Ch.6 x106
Rem's Tale Ch.7 x99
Rem's Tale Ch.8 x44
Rem's Tale Ch.9 x36
Rem's Tale Ch.10 x85
Mamool Ja Journal
Lebros Chronicle
Periquia Diary
Ilrusi Ledger
Emp Upgrade Item: 17
Salvage II
Ate's 3/5
Idi's 2/5
Namru's 4/5
Genta 4/5
Neit's 3/5
Beastman Seals: 200
Kindred Seals: 328
Kindred Crests: 1043
High-Kindred Crests: 1138
S.Kindred Crest: 336
Legion Points: 45,590
Sparks of Eminence: 28,991
Nyzul Tokens: 42,575
Therion Ichor: 92,000
Cruor: 2,035,137
Traverser Stone: 2292
Voidstones: 490
Bayld: 160,894
Mweya Plasm: 1,275,250
15 HP
15 MP
15 Max Merit Points
15 Str
15 Dex
15 Mnd
8 Hand-to-Hand
8 Dagger
8 Great Sword
8 Great Axe
8 Club
8 Staff
8 Evasion
8 Healing Magic
8 Divine Magic
8 Enhancing Magic
8 Enfeebling Magic
8 Dark Magic
8 Elemental Magic
5 Critical Hit Rate
5 Spell Interruption Rate
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
04/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
5 Exenterator
5 Resolution
5 Upheval
Job Points:
2 Mighty Strikes Effect
1 Brazen Rush Effect
9 Berserk Effect
4 Warcry Effect
2 Aggressor Effect
10 Benediction Effect
10 Asylum Effect
10 Divine Seal Effect
10 Magic Acc Bonus
10 Afflatus Solace Effect
10 Afflatus Misery Effect
5 Divine Caress Duration
10 Sacrosanctity Effect
1 Magic Acc Bonus
2 Perfect Dodge Effect
2 Larceny Duration
3 Sneak Attack Effect
4 Trick Attack Effect
1 Soul Voice Effect
3 Minuet Effect
2 Song Accuracy Bonus
1 Eagle Eye Shot Effect
1 Overkill Effect
1 Sharpshot Effect
1 Camouflage Effect
1 Barrage Effect
1 Shadowbind Duration
3/3 Lunar Abyssites
81 Total
Crimson Stratum Abyssite Tier 4
Indigo Stratum Abyssite Tier 4
Jade Stratum Abyssite Tier 4
White Stratum Abyssite Tier 6
Ashen Stratum Abyssite Tier 3
Hyacinth Stratum Abyssite Tier 1
Amber Stratum Abyssite Tier 2
Total: 44
Coalition Ranks
Pioneer Advisor
Courier Probationer
Inventor Petitioner
Mummer Probationer
Peacekeeper Petitioner
Scout Petitioner
Alizarin Clear
Zaffre Clear
Celadon Clear
Russet Clear
Phlox Clear
Aster Clear
tldr& This is the most decked White Mage I have ever had. This is the end all be all of WHM, Refresh gear set is ridiculous, All the super hard to get items, some I have never seen on any accounts(Weatherspoon Ring). 100% up to date with the latest, including 119 Yagrush, Reforged 109/119 gear for tons of jobs, with over 1000 Rem upgrades for more. Full Delve 6/6 clears over 1.2m Plasm. Almost 100% maxed JOB POINTS on WHM and many other to compliment other jobs. I do have gearswap files to be included for WHM and RNG. The Ranger is top elite geared as well with a 119 Annhilator full compliment of other jobs and reforged gear. Salvage+1, full Neo Nyzle, Defending ring, its all here. Additionally a crafting beast with 106 Bonecraft, ALL SUBS 70, Synergy Capped, and 110 Fishing with Ebisu Rod. This is an elite Mithra
Bid Start $1000 Buyout $1500
WU or Moneygram Payment, Paypal if rep allows.
I have 5 years history and 100% Postive feedback
Reg Codes: NO
Server Xfer is Available

Zilart: Complete!
Promathia: Complete!
ToAU: Complete!
WoTG: Complete!
C.Prophecy: Complete!
A Moogle Kupo d'Etat: Complete!
A Shantotto Ascension: Complete!
Abyssea: Vision/Scars/Hereos Purchased
Dynamis: All Access
Seekers of Adoulin: Complete!
Value in misc. sellables 760k
Noteable Melee Rare/EX
Annihilator (119)
Ukonvasara (90)
Twashtar (80)
Ragnarok (75)
Anahera Sword
Pukulatmuj +1
Arendsi Fleuret
Mekosuchus Blade
Tramontane Axe
Tinhaspa (Atk +15, Str +12, Dmg +5)
Atoyac (Magic Acc +30, Weapon Skill Dmg +2%)
Nativus Halberd
Vanir Knife
Ajjub Bow
Tsoabichi Crossbow
Taeon Tabard
Taeon Tights
Taeon Boots
Orion Beret +1
Orion Jerkin +1
Orion Bracers +1
Orion Braccea +1
Orion Socks +1
Arcadian Beret +1
Arcadian Jerkin +1
Arcadian Bracers +1
Arcadian Braccae +1
Arcadian Socks +1
Pillager's Bonnet +1
Pillager's Vest +1
Pillager's Armlets +1
Pillager's Culottes +1
Pillager's Poulaines +1
Plunderer's Vest +1
Plunderer's Armlets +1
Plunderer's Culottes
Foire Dastanas +1
Foire Churidas +1
Pitre Taj +1
Pitre Tobe +1
Pitre Churidars +1
Agoge Mask
Agoge Lorica
Agoge Mufflers
Agoge Cuisses
Agoge Calligae
Pummeler's Mask +1
Pummeler's Lorica +1
Pummeler's Mufflers +1
Pummeler's Cuisses +1
Pummeler's Calligae +1
Luhlaza Keffiyeh
Luhlaza Jubbah
Luhlaza Bazubands
Luhlaza Shalwar
Luhlaza Charuqs
Maxixi Tiara +1
Maxixi Casaque +1
Maxixi Bangles +1
Maxixi Tights +1
Maxixi Toe Shoes +1
Horos Tiara
Horos Casaque
Horos Bangles
Horos Tights
Horos Toe Shoes
Hesychast's Gaiters
Cizin Helm
Cizin Mufflers
Iuitl Wristbands (Snapshot +1, PDT -1%)
Iuitl Gaiters +1
Otronif Harness
Otronif Gloves +1 (Atk +9, PDT -4%)
Otronif Brais +1 (PDT -4%)
Otronif Boots +1 (Acc +10, PDT -3%, MDT -2%)
Umbani Cap
Quiauhiz Helm
Otomi Helm
Adorned Helm
Gavlialis Helm
Twilight Helm
Imperial Wing Hairpin
Felistis Mask
Yaoyotl Helm
Qaaxo Mask (Atk +3, Str +3)
Whirlpool Mask
Thaumas Set 5/5
Phorcys Set 5/5
Ares's Cuirass +1
Kheper Jacket
Twilight Mail
Emet Harness
Mekosuchinae Harness
Hime Domaru +1
Qaaxo Harness (Atk +15, Eva +15, Double Atk +2%)
Xaddi Gauntlets (Acc +15, Store TP +3, Double Atk +2%)
Umuthi Gloves
Sigyn's Bazubands
Buremete Gloves
Blood Cuisses
Abatteur Subligar
Are's Flanchard +1
Quiahuiz Trousers
Osmium Cuisses
Ighwa Trousers
Nahtirah Trousers
Xaddi Cuisses
Tatsumaki Sitagoromo (Movement Speed +8%, PDT -4%)
Qaaxo Leggings
Fajin Boots
Ejekamal Boots
Daihanshi Habaki
Wurrukatte Boots
Ganesha's Mala
Asperity Necklace
Ocachi Gorget
Gaudryi Necklace
Iqabi Necklace
Chaac Belt
Zoran's Belt
Phasmida Belt
Wanion Belt
Hurch'lan Belt
Ukko Sash
Ponente Sash
Lutian Cape (Str +3, Agi +1, Store TP +2)
Anchorer's Mantle (Str +2, Dex +3, Subtle Blow +1)
Canny Cape (Dex +2, Agi +2, Dual Wield +4, Crit Dmg +2%)
Evasionist's Cape (Double Atk +2%, Enmity +5, Embolden +8)
Gunslinger's Cape (Magic Atk Bonus +1, Enmity -2, Phantom Roll Delay -1)
Niht Mantle (Atk +15, Dark Magic +8, Drain and Aspir Potency +12, Weapon Skill Dmg +2%)
Cornflower Cape (Mp +26, Acc +2, Blue Magic +6)
Updraft Mantle (Str +4, Pet: DT -1%, Breath +5)
Toetapper Mantle (Store Tp +4, Dual Wield +5, Reverce Flourish +19, Weapon Skill Dmg +2%)
Contriver's Cape
Annealed Mantle
Mauler's Mantle
Archon Cape
Shadow Mantle
Tripudio Earring
Domesticator Earring
Dudgeon Earring
Heartseeker Earring
Bladeborn Earring
Steelflash Earring
Zennaroi Earring
Kokou's Earring
Neritic Earring
Kuwunga Earring
Matanki Earring
Clearview Earring
Patricius Ring
Defending Ring
Epona's Ring
Archon Ring
Shadow Ring
K'ayres Ring
Nguruve Ring
Ethereal Earring
Brutal Earring
Breeze Belt
Breeze Gorget
Noteable Mage Rare/EX
Yagrush (119)
Ababinili +1
Ankylosis Wand
Tamaxchi (Magic Acc +30, Enmity -10)
Keraunos (Acc +7, Elemental Siphon +5)
Baqil Staff
Eosuchus Club
Apajamas II (Thunder Affinity: Magic Acc +6, Magic Dmg +1, Recast Time -14%)
Atar I (Fire Affinity: Magic Acc +1, Magic Dmg +6, Casting Time -14%)
Arka IV (Cure Potency +24%)
Vishrava I (Earth Affinity: Magic Acc +1, Magic Dmg +6, Casting Time -14%)
Vayuvata III (Wind Affinity: Avatar Perp Cost -7, Blood Pact Delay -12)
Oneiros Grip
Mephitis Grip
Genbu's Shield (Cure Potency +4%, Cure Spell Casting Time -8%)
Legion Scutum
Helios Band
Helios Jacket
Helios Gloves
Piety Cap +1
Piety Briault +1
Piety Mitts
Piety Pantaloons +1
Piety Duckbills +1
Theophany Cap +1
Theophany Briault +1
Theophany Mitts +1
Theophany Pantaloons +1
Theophany Duckbills +1
Geomancy Galero +1
Geomancy Tunic +1
Geomancy Mitaines +1
Geomancy Pants +1
Geomany Sandals +1
Pedagogy Gown
Pedagogy Braces
Pedagogy Loafers
Glyphic Pigaches
Gendewitha Caubeen +1 (Cure Potency +6%, PDT -3%, MDT -2%)
Gendewitha Gages +1 (Song Spell Casting -3%, PDT -3%)
Gendewitha Galoshes (Cure Potency +2%, PDT -2%)
Hagondes Hat +1 (PDT -3%, MDT -2%, Magic Burst Dmg +10%)
Hagondes Coat +1 (Magic Acc +23, PDT -3%)
Hagondes Cuffs
Hagondes Pants +1 (Magic Acc +13, PDT -2%)
Umuthi Hat
Wivre Hairpin (Refresh +1)
Kaabnax Hat
Buremte Hat
Nahtirah Hat
Marduk's Jubbah +1
Respite Cloak
Heka's Kalasiris
Anhur Robe
Vanir Cotehardie
Manasa Chasuble
Seidir Cotehardie
Telchine Chasuble
Twilight Cloak
Morrigan's Robe +1
Nabu's Jubbah
Artsieq Jubbah (Mp +30, Magic Acc +20, Mnd +7)
Lurid Mitts
Nares Set 5/5
Telchine Gloves
Artsieq Cuffs
Dynasty Mitts
Yaoyotl Gloves
Serpentes Cuffs
Otomi Gloves
Mes'yohi Slacks
Assiduity Pants +1
Theurgist's Slacks
Artsieq Hose (Mp +30, Magic Acc +20, Mnd +7)
Manabyss Pigaches
Serpentes Sabots
Uk'uxkaj Boots
Telchine Pigaches
Umbani Boots
Artsieq Boots
Orunmila's Torque
Eddy Necklace
Imbodla Necklace
Arciela's Graces +1
Siegel Sash
Sekhmet Corset
Bookworm's Cape (Int +1, Mnd +1, Helix Effect +12, Regen Potency +10%)
Lifestream Cape (Geomancy +3, Indi Effect +11, DT -2%)
Ghostfyre Cape (Magic Acc +5, Enfeebling Skill +9, Enhancing Skill +7)
Conveyance Cape (Summoning Skill +1, Blood Pact Dmg +2, Pet: Enmity +8)
Mending Cape (Magic Acc +10, Healing Skill +3, Enhancing Skill +7, Cure Potency +1%)
Pahtli Cape
Kumbira Cape
Refraction Cape
Bane Cape
Hecate's Earring
Lifestorm Earring
Psystorm Earring
Andoaa Earring
Gwati Earring
Crematio Earring
Nourishing Earring +1
Sanare Earring
Gifted Earring
Weatherspoon Ring
Sangoma Ring
Strendu Ring
Globidonta Ring
Loquiacius Earring
Mecostpins Mantle (Rng Atk +2, Def +9, Capacity Points +37%)
Ebisu Fishing Rod
Protective Spectacles
Boneworker's Smock
Fishermen's Smock
Boneworker's Cuffs
Fishermen's Smock
Boneworker's Smock
Bonecrafter's Ring
Craftkeeper's Ring
Craftmaster's Ring
Rem's Tale Ch.1 x78
Rem's Tale Ch.2 x32
Rem's Tale Ch.3 x38
Rem's Tale Ch.4 x26
Rem's Tale Ch.5 x45
Rem's Tale Ch.6 x106
Rem's Tale Ch.7 x99
Rem's Tale Ch.8 x44
Rem's Tale Ch.9 x36
Rem's Tale Ch.10 x85
Mamool Ja Journal
Lebros Chronicle
Periquia Diary
Ilrusi Ledger
Emp Upgrade Item: 17
Salvage II
Ate's 3/5
Idi's 2/5
Namru's 4/5
Genta 4/5
Neit's 3/5
Beastman Seals: 200
Kindred Seals: 328
Kindred Crests: 1043
High-Kindred Crests: 1138
S.Kindred Crest: 336
Legion Points: 45,590
Sparks of Eminence: 28,991
Nyzul Tokens: 42,575
Therion Ichor: 92,000
Cruor: 2,035,137
Traverser Stone: 2292
Voidstones: 490
Bayld: 160,894
Mweya Plasm: 1,275,250
15 HP
15 MP
15 Max Merit Points
15 Str
15 Dex
15 Mnd
8 Hand-to-Hand
8 Dagger
8 Great Sword
8 Great Axe
8 Club
8 Staff
8 Evasion
8 Healing Magic
8 Divine Magic
8 Enhancing Magic
8 Enfeebling Magic
8 Dark Magic
8 Elemental Magic
5 Critical Hit Rate
5 Spell Interruption Rate
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
04/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
10/10 10/10
5 Exenterator
5 Resolution
5 Upheval
Job Points:
2 Mighty Strikes Effect
1 Brazen Rush Effect
9 Berserk Effect
4 Warcry Effect
2 Aggressor Effect
10 Benediction Effect
10 Asylum Effect
10 Divine Seal Effect
10 Magic Acc Bonus
10 Afflatus Solace Effect
10 Afflatus Misery Effect
5 Divine Caress Duration
10 Sacrosanctity Effect
1 Magic Acc Bonus
2 Perfect Dodge Effect
2 Larceny Duration
3 Sneak Attack Effect
4 Trick Attack Effect
1 Soul Voice Effect
3 Minuet Effect
2 Song Accuracy Bonus
1 Eagle Eye Shot Effect
1 Overkill Effect
1 Sharpshot Effect
1 Camouflage Effect
1 Barrage Effect
1 Shadowbind Duration
3/3 Lunar Abyssites
81 Total
Crimson Stratum Abyssite Tier 4
Indigo Stratum Abyssite Tier 4
Jade Stratum Abyssite Tier 4
White Stratum Abyssite Tier 6
Ashen Stratum Abyssite Tier 3
Hyacinth Stratum Abyssite Tier 1
Amber Stratum Abyssite Tier 2
Total: 44
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Aster Clear
tldr& This is the most decked White Mage I have ever had. This is the end all be all of WHM, Refresh gear set is ridiculous, All the super hard to get items, some I have never seen on any accounts(Weatherspoon Ring). 100% up to date with the latest, including 119 Yagrush, Reforged 109/119 gear for tons of jobs, with over 1000 Rem upgrades for more. Full Delve 6/6 clears over 1.2m Plasm. Almost 100% maxed JOB POINTS on WHM and many other to compliment other jobs. I do have gearswap files to be included for WHM and RNG. The Ranger is top elite geared as well with a 119 Annhilator full compliment of other jobs and reforged gear. Salvage+1, full Neo Nyzle, Defending ring, its all here. Additionally a crafting beast with 106 Bonecraft, ALL SUBS 70, Synergy Capped, and 110 Fishing with Ebisu Rod. This is an elite Mithra
Bid Start $1000 Buyout $1500
WU or Moneygram Payment, Paypal if rep allows.
I have 5 years history and 100% Postive feedback