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Server Xfer is Available
Mercenary Rank: Mercenary Captain! Ready to create mythics!
Zilart: Complete!
Promathia: Complete!
Dynamis: All Access!
ToAU: Complete!
WotG: In the Name of the Father
Adoulin: A Curse from the Past
Voidwatch: Starter Cities Path Complete
Abyssea: Complete!
Rhapsodies: Complete!
Addon (A Crystalline Prophecy): The Echo Awakens
Addon (A Moogle Kupo d'Etat): Drenched! It Began with a Raindrop
Addon (A Shantotto Ascension): That Which Curdless Blood

Value in misc. 500k+ in sellables
Sequence i119
Noteable Melee Rare/EX
Abyss Cuirass 74
(33) Achiyal. Bullet i119
Acro Gauntlets i119 (Accuracy+23, "Store Tp"+6, Weapon Skill Damage +3%)
Acro Surcoat i119 (Pet: Accuracy+23 Pet: Rng. Acc.+23, "Dbl.Atk."+3, Weapon Skill Damage +3%)
Adhemar Bonnet i119 (Dex+10, Agi+10, Accuracy+15)
Adhemar Wristbands i119 (Dex+10, Agi+10, Accuracy+15)
(2) Aizushintogo i119 (Dmg:+15, Accuracy+15, Attack+15)
(2) Aizushintogo i119
Amar Cluster 99
Anahera Tabar i119
andartia's Mantle 99 (Accuracy+12 Attack+12, Accuracy+1, Weapon Skill Damage +6%)
Animikii Bullet 115
Arendsi Fleuret i119
Arktoi i119 (Accuracy+50, Pet: Accuracy+50, Pet: Attack+30)
Asperity Necklace 99
Assim. Charuqs 109
Ayanmo Corazza +1 i119
Beatific Shield +1 i119 (Phys. Dmg. Taken -4%, Hp+20 Mp+20)
(2) Brigantia's Mantle 99 (Str+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Str+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%)
(2) Brigantia's Mantle 99 (Str+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Str+2, "Store Tp"+10)
Brutal Earring 75
Buramenk'ah i119
Cab. Surcoat 109 (Enhances "Fealty" Effect)
Camulus's Mantle 99 (Rng.Acc.+16 Rng.Atk.+16, Weapon Skill Damage +10%)
Cessance Earring 99
Chaac Belt 99
Charis Bangles +2 87
Charis Casaque +2 89
Charis Feather 84
Chass. Tricorne 109
Chasseur's Frac 109
Chasseur's Gants 109
Chev. Cuirass 109
Chevalier's Armet 109
Cibitshavore i119 (Str+12, Rng.Acc.+10, "Store Tp"+7)
Claidheamh Soluis i119 (Accuracy+14, Crit. Hit Damage +5%, Quadruple Attack +2)
Clotharius Torque 99
(2) Colada i119 ("Refresh"+1, Int+1, Mag. Acc.+19, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+25, Dmg:+6)
(2) Colada i119 ("Triple Atk."+2, Crit.Hit Rate+1, Quadruple Attack +2, Dmg:+7)
Compensator i119 (Dmg:+15, Rng.Acc.+15, Rng.Atk.+15)
Cornflower Cape 99 (Mp+15, Dex+2, Accuracy+4, Blue Magic Skill +10)
Crd. Gauntlets +2 87
Creed Cuisses +1 83
Dampener's Torque 99
Dark Ring 74 (Phys. Dmg. Taken -6%, Breath Dmg. Taken -5%)
Deceiver's Torque 99
Defending Ring 70
Demers. Degen +1 i119
Demersal Degen i119
Denouements i119
Diemer Gorget 99
Divinator i119
Eabani Earring 99
(2) Enchufla i119 (Dmg:+15, Str+15, Accuracy+10)
Epona's Ring 89
Eschite Helm i119
Ethereal Earring 72
Evasionist's Cape 99
Falcon Eye 99
Flam. Gambieras +1 i119
Flam. Manopolas +1 i119
Forefathers' Grip 99
Fotia Belt 87
Ginsen 99
Handler's Earring 99
Handler's Earring +1 99
Hangaku-No-Yumi i119
Hashishin Basmak 109
Helios Jacket i119 (Pet: "Mag.Atk.Bns."+29, "Blood Pact" Ability Delay -5, Blood Pact Dmg.+7)
(2) Herculean Boots i119 (Accuracy+20, "Triple Atk."+4, Dex+10, Attack+10)
(2) Herculean Boots i119 (Accuracy+21 Attack+21, Weapon Skill Damage +4%, Agi+6, Attack+5)
(2) Herculean Gloves i119 (Accuracy+29, "Triple Atk."+4, Dex+8, Attack+8)
(2) Herculean Gloves i119 (Accuracy+21, Crit. Hit Damage +5%)
(2) Herculean Helm i119 (Accuracy+25, "Triple Atk."+4, Agi+4, Attack+5)
(2) Herculean Helm i119 (Weapon Skill Damage +4%, Accuracy+15)
(3) Herculean Trousers i119 (Rng.Acc.+24 Rng.Atk.+24, Str+9, Quadruple Attack +1, Accuracy+9 Attack+9, Mag. Acc.+20 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+20)
(3) Herculean Trousers i119 (Accuracy+21, Weapon Skill Damage +4%, Dex+2, Attack+3)
(3) Herculean Trousers i119 (Accuracy+22, Crit. Hit Damage +5%, Dex+7)
(2) Herculean Vest i119 (Accuracy+29, "Triple Atk."+4, Str+4, Attack+12)
(2) Herculean Vest i119 (Attack+17, Weapon Skill Damage +5%, Int+1, Accuracy+5)
Hetairoi Ring 99
Hiza. Haramaki +1 i119
Hiza. Hizayoroi i119
Hiza. Sune-Ate i119
Hizamaru Kote i119
Hizamaru Kote +1 i119
Hizamaru Somen i119
Hizamaru Somen +1 i119
Horos Casaque 109 (Enhances "No Foot Rise" Effect)
Ichigohitofuri i119 (Dmg:+30, Attack+20, Accuracy+20)
Imp. Wing Hair. +1 i119
Impassive Mantle 99
Iris i119 (Dmg:+15, Str+15, Accuracy+15)
Jute Boots i119
Karagoz Capello 109
Karagoz Farsetto 109
Karagoz Guanti 109
Karagoz Pantaloni 109
Karagoz Scarpe 109
K'ayres Ring 99
Kentarch Belt +1 99
Koga Chainmail 74
Koga Tekko 75
Kumbhakarna i119 (Pet: "Mag.Atk.Bns."+20, Pet: Phys. Dmg. Taken -4%, Pet: Str+11 Pet: Dex+11 Pet: Vit+11)
Lerene's Paten
Lissome Necklace 99
Luhlaza Charuqs 109 (Enhances "Diffusion" Effect)
Luhlaza Jubbah 109 (Enhances "Enchainment" Effect)
Luhlaza Shalwar 109 (Enhances "Assimilation" Effect)
Maculele Tiara 109
Magus Bazubands 56
Magus Jubbah 58
Magus Keffiyeh 60
Marked Gorget 99
Mavi Tathlum 84
Mecisto. Mantle 99 (Cap. Point+49%, Attack+2, Def+10)
Meg. Chausses +1 i119
Meg. Cuirie +1 i119
Meg. Gloves +1 i119
Meg. Jam. +1 i119
Meghanada Ring 99
Meghanada Visor +1 i119
Meridian Ring 80
Mirage Jubbah 74
Monster Gaiters 74
Mrg. Bazubands +2 90
Mst. Gloves +2 90 (Enhances "Beast Affinity" Effect)
Mummu Gamash. +1 i119
Nixxer i119 (Dmg:+15, Str+15, Accuracy+10)
Odyssean Cuisses i119 (Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Accuracy+10, Attack+14)
(2) Odyssean Greaves i119
Odyssean Helm i119 (Accuracy+30, Phys. Dmg. Taken -2%, Attack+14)
Ohtas i119 (Accuracy+70, Pet: Accuracy+70, Pet: Haste+10%)
Olyndicus i119 (Accuracy+8, "Store Tp"+6, Dmg:+35)
Onca Suit i119
Overbearing Ring 99
Pastoralist's Mantle 99
Petrov Ring 99
Plun. Armlets 109 (Enhances "Perfect Dodge" Effect)
Priwen i119 (Hp+50, Mag. Evasion+50, Damage Taken -3%)
Pursuer's Gaiters i119
Rajas Ring 30
Rawhide Gloves i119 (Mag. Acc.+11, Int+5, Mnd+5)
Rawhide Mask i119 (Hp+37, Accuracy+10, Evasion+15)
Rawhide Trousers i119 (Mp+50, "Fast Cast"+5, "Refresh"+1)
Repulse Mantle 99
Rhomphaia i119 (Dmg:+30, Str+20, Accuracy+15)
(4) Rosmerta's Cape 99 (Int+20, Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20, "Fast Cast"+10)
(4) Rosmerta's Cape 99 (Dex+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Accuracy+5, "Store Tp"+10)
(4) Rosmerta's Cape 99 (Str+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Mnd+3, Weapon Skill Damage +10%)
(4) Rosmerta's Cape 99 (Dex+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Dex+10, Crit.Hit Rate+10)
Rudianos's Mantle 99 (Hp+18, Accuracy+1 Attack+1)
Sakonji Domaru +1 i119 (Enhances "Overwhelm" Effect)
Sanctity Necklace 99
Sandung i119 (Accuracy+50, Crit. Hit Rate+5%, "Triple Atk."+3)
Seething Bomblet 99
Senuna's Mantle 99 (Weapon Skill Damage +5%)
Shigi i119 (Accuracy+50, Rng.Acc.+50, Damage Taken -5%)
Shrieker's Cuffs i119
Skormoth Mask i119
Skulk. Poulaines 109
Solemnity Cape 99
Sukeroku Hachi. i119
Sulev. Cuisses +2 i119
Sulev. Gauntlets +1 i119
Sulev. Leggings +2 i119
Sulevia's Mask +1 i119
Sulevia's Plate. +2 i119
Sulevia's Ring 99
Suppanomimi 72
(2) Taeon Boots i119 (Pet: Accuracy+22 Pet: Rng. Acc.+22, Pet: Crit.Hit Rate +3, Pet: Damage Taken -4%)
(2) Taeon Boots i119 (Accuracy+19 Attack+19, Crit.Hit Rate+2, Weapon Skill Damage +3%)
Taeon Chapeau i119 (Accuracy+25, Crit.Hit Rate+3, Crit. Hit Damage +3%)
Taeon Gloves i119 (Pet: Accuracy+22 Pet: Rng. Acc.+22, Pet: Crit.Hit Rate +4, Pet: Damage Taken -4%)
(2) Taeon Tights i119 (Accuracy+19 Attack+19, "Triple Atk."+2, Crit. Hit Damage +3%)
(2) Taeon Tights i119 (Pet: Accuracy+24 Pet: Rng. Acc.+24, Pet: Crit.Hit Rate +3, Pet: Damage Taken -3%)
Takaha Mantle 99 (Str+2, "Zanshin"+2, "Store Tp"+1)
Tali'ah Crackows +1 i119
Tali'ah Gages +1 i119
Tali'ah Manteel +1 i119
Tali'ah Sera. +1 i119
Tali'ah Turban +1 i119
Tanmogayi +1 i119
Terminal Helm i119
Terminal Plate i119
thereoid Greaves i119
(2) Toetapper Mantle 99
(2) Toetapper Mantle 99 ("Store Tp"+2, "Dual Wield"+1, "Rev. Flourish"+12, Weapon Skill Damage +4%)
Triska Scythe +1 i119
Trotter Boots 20
Twilight Torque 90
Ukko Sash 99
(2) Valor. Hose i119 (Accuracy+27, "Dbl.Atk."+3, Str+2)
(2) Valor. Hose i119 (Accuracy+21, "Dbl.Atk."+1, Str+3)
Valorous Greaves i119 (Accuracy+30, Weapon Skill Damage +3%, Attack+8)
Valorous Mask i119 (Accuracy+22 Attack+22, Crit.Hit Rate+2, Accuracy+13)
Valorous Mitts i119 (Accuracy+14 Attack+14, Sklchn.Dmg.+4%, Accuracy+8, Attack+9)
Visucius's Mantle 99 (Pet: Acc.+20 Pet: R.Acc.+20 Pet: Atk.+20 Pet: R.Atk.+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Accuracy+1, Pet: "Regen"+4)
Warden's Ring 99
Weard Mantle 99 (Vit+3, Dex+3, Enmity+1, Phalanx +1)
Wyrm Armet 75
Yamabuki-No-Obi 99
Yokaze Mantle 99
Yorium Gauntlets i119 (Accuracy+18, "Fast Cast"+3, Damage Taken-3%)
Yorium Sabatons i119 (Accuracy+20, "Fast Cast"+3, Phys. Dmg. Taken -4%)
Zoran's Belt 99
Noteable Mage Rare/EX
Ababinili i119
Akademos i119 (Int+15, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+15, Mag. Acc.+15)
Amalric Gages i119 (Int+10, Mag. Acc.+15, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+15)
Aoidos' Matinee 84
Assiduity Pants i119
Aya. Cosciales +1 i119
Aya. Gambieras +1 i119
Aya. Manopolas +1 i119
Aya. Zucchetto +1 i119
Bagua Tunic 109 (Enhances "Bolster" Effect)
Caller's Pendant 84
Carmine Cuisses +1 i119 (Accuracy+20, Attack+12, "Dual Wield"+6)
Chironic Doublet i119 (Mag. Acc.+11, "Cure" Potency +10%, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+10)
(2) Chironic Gloves i119 ("Mag.Atk.Bns."+15, "Cure" Spellcasting Time -10%, Int+8)
(2) Chironic Gloves i119
Chironic Hat i119 ("Mag.Atk.Bns."+7, "Fast Cast"+7, Int+7)
Chironic Hose i119 (Mag. Acc.+19 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+19, "Cure" Potency +6%, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+10)
(2) Chironic Slippers i119
(2) Chironic Slippers i119 (Mag. Acc.+23 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+23, "Cure" Potency +2%, Int+8, Mag. Acc.+6, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+12)
Conveyance Cape 99 (Summoning Magic Skill +4, Blood Pact Dmg.+4, Blood Pact Ab. Del. Ii -2)
Culminus i119
Disperser's Cape 99
Duelist's Boots 71
Duelist's Chapeau 75
Duelist's Tights 73
Dunna 99
Eddy Necklace 99
Eminent Sachet 115
Emissary i119 (Mag. Acc.+15, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+20, "Refresh"+1)
Empath Necklace 99
Espiritus i119 (Summoning Magic Skill +15, Pet: Mag. Acc.+30, Pet: Damage Taken -4%)
Estoqueur's Cape 84
Estq. Chappel +1 85
Estq. Ganthrt. +1 87
Estq. Houseaux +1 81
Estq. Sayon +1 89
Estqr. Fuseau +1 83
Etana Ring 99
Evoker's Ring 71
Fi Follet Cape 99
Fili Calot 109
Fili Cothurnes 109
Fili Hongreline 109
Fili Manchettes 109
Fili Rhingrave 109
Fucho-No-Obi 99
Gende. Bilaut +1 i119 (Phys. Dmg. Taken -3%, "Cure" Potency +5%)
Gende. Caubeen +1 i119 (Phys. Dmg. Taken -3%, "Cure" Potency +6%)
Gende. Gages +1 i119 (Phys. Dmg. Taken -3%, Magic Dmg. Taken -2%, "Cure" Potency +7%)
Geomancy Galero 109
Geomancy Mitaines 109
Geomancy Pants 109
Geomancy Sandals 109
Geomancy Tunic 109
Ghostfyre Cape 99 (Enfb.Mag. Skill +9, Enha.Mag. Skill +9, Mag. Acc.+3, Enh. Mag. Eff. Dur. +12)
Gishdubar Sash 99
Glyphic Horn 109 (Enhances "Astral Flow" Effect)
Gwati Earring 99
Hecate's Earring 90
Helios Band i119 (Pet: "Mag.Atk.Bns."+24, "Blood Pact" Ability Delay -4, Blood Pact Dmg.+3)
Helios Boots i119 (Pet: "Mag.Atk.Bns."+21, "Blood Pact" Ability Delay -5, Blood Pact Dmg.+6)
Helios Gloves i119 (Pet: "Mag.Atk.Bns."+25, "Avatar Perpetuation Cost" -4, Blood Pact Dmg.+4)
Helios Spats i119 (Pet: "Mag.Atk.Bns."+24, "Avatar Perpetuation Cost" -3, Blood Pact Dmg.+7)
Hermetic Earring 99
Hygieia Clogs i119
Imbodla Necklace 99
Inyan. Crackows +1 i119
Inyan. Dastanas +1 i119
Inyanga Dastanas i119
Inyanga Shalwar +1 i119
Inyanga Tiara +1 i119
Isa Belt 99
Jhakri Coronal +1 i119
Jhakri Cuffs +2 i119
Jhakri Pigaches +1 i119
Jhakri Ring 99
Jhakri Robe +2 i119
Jhakri Slops +1 i119
(2) Kali i119 (Mag. Acc.+15, String Instrument Skill +10, Wind Instrument Skill +10)
(2) Kali i119
Lathi i119 (Mp+80, Int+20, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+20)
Lifestream Cape 99 (Geomancy Skill +9, Indi. Eff. Dur. +17, Pet: Damage Taken -4%, Damage Taken-1%)
Linos 99 (All Songs+2, "Fast Cast"+4, Int+7)
Locus Ring 99
Lugh's Cape 99
Mallquis Chapeau +1 i119
Mallquis Clogs +1 i119
Mallquis Cuffs +1 i119
Mallquis Saio +1 i119
Mallquis Trews +1 i119
(2) Merlinic Crackows i119
(2) Merlinic Crackows i119 (Mag. Acc.+21 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+21, Magic Burst Dmg.+9%, Chr+3, Mag. Acc.+7, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+15)
Merlinic Dastanas i119 (Mag. Acc.+22 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+22, Magic Burst Dmg.+10%, Mag. Acc.+12, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+10)
Merlinic Hood i119 (Mag. Acc.+9 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+9, Magic Burst Dmg.+10%, Mag. Acc.+14, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+2)
Merlinic Shalwar i119 (Mag. Acc.+19 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+19, Magic Burst Dmg.+9%, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+4)
Mizu. Kubikazari 99
Nourish. Earring 99
Pukulatmuj i119
Regal Gem 99
Samanisi Cape 99
Seidr Cotehardie 99
Siegel Sash 90
Solstice i119 (Mag. Acc.+20, Pet: Damage Taken -4%, "Fast Cast"+5)
Strophadic Earring 95
Telchine Braconi i119 (Mag. Acc.+23, "Cure" Potency +8%, "Regen" Potency+3)
Telchine Cap i119 (Mag. Acc.+15 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+15, "Cure" Potency +7%, Mnd+7)
Telchine Chas. i119 (Mag. Acc.+12, "Cure" Potency +7%, "Regen" Potency+1)
Telchine Gloves i119 (Mag. Acc.+23, "Cure" Potency +3%, Mnd+8)
Telchine Pigaches i119 (Mag. Acc.+24, "Cure" Potency +7%, "Regen" Potency+3)
Terpander 99
Twilight Cape 90
Ab.Abjuration: Ft.
Ar.Abjuration: Bd.
Ar.Abjuration: Lg.
(5) Beastmen's Seal
Bu.Abjuration: Hd.
Bu.Abjuration: Hn.
Bu.Abjuration: Lg.
Cy.Abjuration: Hd.
Gr.Abjuration: Hd.
Gr.Abjuration: Lg.
(8) Iga Seal: Ft.
(6) P. Blu Card
(2) Rem's Tale Ch.1
(82) Rem's Tale Ch.10
(8) Rem's Tale Ch.4
Rem's Tale Ch.5
(20) Rem's Tale Ch.6
(20) Rem's Tale Ch.7
(23) Rem's Tale Ch.8
(91) Rem's Tale Ch.9
Sarameya's Hide
Sh.Abjuration: Hd.
Tr.Abjuration: Lg.
Ve.Abjuration: Lg.
(6) Ancient Lumber
Asklepian Belt 99
(118) Automat. Oil +3 80
Barataria Ring 99
Dosis Tathlum 99
(8) Ebony Lumber
(11) Electrified Broth 99
(40) Etched Memory
Fern Stone
Flume Belt 94
Friomisi Earring 99
(90) Hachiya Shuriken 117
(79) Happo Shuriken 117
Kalboron Stone 99
(23) Mahogany Lbr.
Matre Bell
(4) Muddy Broth 99
(9) Pale Sap 99
(5) Pellucid Stone
(5) Pet Food Eta 84
(7) Rapid Broth 99
(16) Red Curry Bun
Staunch Tathlum 99
(12) Sublime Sushi
(19) Suppa Shuriken 117
Taupe Stone
Key Items
?Magic Pot Companion
?Raptor Companion
?Red Crab Companion
?Tiger Companion
?Warmachine Companion
Abyssite of Discernment
Abyssite of the Cosmos
Adoulinian Charter Permit
Adventurer's Certificate
Aged Booming Naakual Crest
Aged Firebrand Naakual Crest
Aged Flashfrost Naakual Crest
Aged Ligneous Naakual Crest
Aged Matriarch Naakual Crest
Aged Riptide Naakual Crest
Airship Pass
Airship Pass For Kazham
Altepa Gate Crystal
Amber Stratum Abyssite
Ambuscade Primer Volume One
Anti-Glaciation Gear
Archducal Audience Permit
Ashen Stratum Abyssite Iii
Astral Compass
Atma of Allure
Atma of Blighted Breath
Atma of Entwined Serpents
Atma of Gales
Atma of Purgatory
Atma of the Apocalypse
Atma of the Baying Moon
Atma of the Blinding Horn
Atma of the Brother Wolf
Atma of the Clawed butterfly
Atma of the Crimson Scale
Atma of the Frozen Fetters
Atma of the Gnarled Horn
Atma of the Lone Wolf
Atma of the Merciless Matriarch
Atma of the Minikin Monstrosity
Atma of the Omnipotent
Atma of the Persistent Predator
Atma of the Razed Ruins
Atma of the Sanguine Scythe
Atma of the Scarlet Wing
Atma of the Stormbird
Atma of the Stout Arm
Atma of the Stronghold
Atma of the Sundering Slash
Atma of the Tusked Terror
Atma of the Voracious Violet
Atma of the Winged Enigma
Atma of the Would-Be King
Atmacite of Discipline
Atmacite of Mysticism
Atmacite of Preparedness
Atmacite of Rapidity
Atmacite of Unity
Azure Abyssite of Celerity
Azure Abyssite of Lenity
Bastok Trust Permit
Battle Trophy: 1st Echelon
Battle Trophy: 2nd Echelon
Battle Trophy: 3rd Echelon
Battle Trophy: 4th Echelon
Battle Trophy: 5th Echelon
Beguiling Petrifact
Black Matinee Necklace
Blazing Cluster Soul
Bloodied Bat Fur
Boarding Permit
Bracelet of Verve
Brand of Dawn
Brand of the Flameserpent
Brand of the Galeserpent
Brand of the Skyserpent
Brand of the Springserpent
Brand of the Stoneserpent
Brand of Twilight
Bronze Ribbon of Service ?
Brunhilde's Feather
Bundle of Half-Inscribed Scrolls
Captain Wildcat Badge
Cast Metal Plate
Celennia Memorial Library Card
Cerulean Crystal
Chipped Sandworm Tooth
Chocobo License
Clear Demilune Abyssite
Clipped Bird Wing
Clump of Animal Hair
Colorful Demilune Abyssite
Coruscant Rosary
Cracked Wivre Horn
Craggy Fin
Crest of Davoi
Crimson Orb
Crimson Stratum Abyssite Iv
Curilla's Bottle
Cyan Deep Salt
Decaying Morbol Tooth
Delkfutt Key
Dem Gate Crystal
Denary Nazar
Dented Chariot Shield
Detached Stinger
Dimensional Compass
Distended Chigoe Abdomen
Durs-Vike's Earring
Dusky Periapt of Adaptability
Dynamis - Valkurm Sliver
Emerald Abyssite of Fortune
Ephramadian Gold Coin
Eschan Cellar
Eschan Nef
Eschan Urn
Fetid Rafflesia Stalk
Firebrand Naakual Paragon
Flame-Scarred Skull
Fragrant Treant Petal
Frosted Incisor
Gerhilde's Feather
Glittering Pixie Choker
Gps Crystal
Gramk-Droog's Circlet
Green Sentinel Badge
Grimgerde's Feather
Grimoire Page
Habitual Behavior Barometer
Heart of the Bushin
Holla Gate Crystal
Hyacinth Stratum Abyssite
Hydra Corps Command Scepter
Hydra Corps Eyeglass
Hydra Corps Insignia
Hydra Corps Lantern
Hydra Corps Tactical Map
Ignor-Mnt's Bracelet
Imperial Missive
Imperial Standard
Impure Alizarin Yggzi
Impure Aster Yggzi
Impure Celadon Yggzi
Impure Phlox Yggzi
Impure Russet Yggzi
Impure Zaffre Yggzi
Indigo Abyssite of Sojourn
Indigo Stratum Abyssite Iv
Inky Black Yagudo Feather
Insulator Tablet
Ivory Abyssite of Acumen
Ivory Abyssite of Avarice
Ivory Abyssite of Celerity
Ivory Abyssite of Confluence
Ivory Abyssite of Destiny
Ivory Abyssite of Expertise
Ivory Abyssite of Fortune
Ivory Abyssite of Furtherance
Ivory Abyssite of Guerdon
Ivory Abyssite of Kismet
Ivory Abyssite of Merit
Ivory Abyssite of Perspicacity
Ivory Abyssite of Prosperity
Ivory Abyssite of Sojourn
Ivory Abyssite of the Reaper
Jade Stratum Abyssite Iv
Job Breaker
Job Gesture: Bard
Job Gesture: Beastmaster
Job Gesture: Black Mage
Job Gesture: Blue Mage
Job Gesture: Corsair
Job Gesture: Dancer
Job Gesture: Dark Knight
Job Gesture: Dragoon
Job Gesture: Geomancer
Job Gesture: Monk
Job Gesture: Ninja
Job Gesture: Paladin
Job Gesture: Puppetmaster
Job Gesture: Ranger
Job Gesture: Red Mage
Job Gesture: Rune Fencer
Job Gesture: Samurai
Job Gesture: Scholar
Job Gesture: Summoner
Job Gesture: Thief
Job Gesture: Warrior
Job Gesture: White Mage
Jugner Gate Crystal
Kupofried's Medallion
Letter To Angelica
Letter To the Bas. Conflict Cmd.
Letter To the San. Conflict Cmd.
Limit Breaker
Lunar Abyssite
Maddening Petrifact
Magian Trial Log
Magicked Astrolabe
Malformed Polearm
Map of Abyssea - Altepa
Map of Abyssea - Attohwa
Map of Abyssea - Grauberg
Map of Abyssea - Konschtat
Map of Abyssea - La theine
Map of Abyssea - Misareaux
Map of Abyssea - Tahrongi
Map of Abyssea - Uleguerand
Map of Abyssea - Vunkerl
Map of Adoulin
Map of Al Zahbi
Map of Al'taieu
Map of Alzadaal Ruins
Map of Arrapago Reef
Map of Aydeewa Subterrane
Map of Beadeaux
Map of Bhaflau Thickets
Map of Bibiki Bay
Map of Bostaunieux Oubliette
Map of Caedarva Mire
Map of Cape Riverne
Map of Carpenters' Landing
Map of Castle Oztroja
Map of Castle Zvahl
Map of Ceizak Battlegrounds
Map of Cirdas Caverns
Map of Davoi
Map of Delkfutt's Tower
Map of Dho Gates
Map of Escha - Ru'aun
Map of Escha - Zi'tah
Map of Fei'yin
Map of Foret De Hennetiel
Map of Fort Karugo-Narugo
Map of Ghelsba
Map of Giddeus
Map of Grauberg
Map of Halvung
Map of Hu'xzoi
Map of Ifrit's Cauldron
Map of Kamihr Drifts
Map of King Ranperre's Tomb
Map of Labyrinth of Onzozo
Map of Mamook
Map of Marjami Ravine
Map of Moh Gates
Map of Morimar Basalt Fields
Map of Mount Zhayolm
Map of Nashmau
Map of Newton Movalpolos
Map of Norg
Map of Oldton Movalpolos
Map of Ordelle's Caves
Map of Pso'xja
Map of Qufim Island
Map of Ra'kaznar
Map of Rala Waterways
Map of Reisenjima
Map of Ru'hmet
Map of Sea Serpent Grotto
Map of Sih Gates
Map of Tavnazia
Map of Temple of Uggalepih
Map of the Aqueducts
Map of the Attohwa Chasm
Map of the Bastok Area
Map of the Boyahda Tree
Map of the Crawlers' Nest
Map of the Dangruf Wadi
Map of the Den of Rancor
Map of the Eldieme Necropolis
Map of the Elshimo Regions
Map of the Garlaige Citadel
Map of the Gusgen Mines
Map of the Horutoto Ruins
Map of the Jeuno Area
Map of the Korroloka Tunnel
Map of the Kuftal Tunnel
Map of the Kuzotz Region
Map of the Li'telor Region
Map of the Maze of Shakhrami
Map of the Northlands Area
Map of the Palborough Mines
Map of the Quicksand Caves
Map of the Ranguemont Pass
Map of the Ru'aun Gardens
Map of the Sacrarium
Map of the San D'oria Area
Map of the Toraimarai Canal
Map of the Uleguerand Range
Map of the Vollbow Region
Map of the Windurst Area
Map of the Zeruhn Mines
Map of Ve'lugannon Palace
Map of Vunkerl Inlet
Map of Wajaom Woodlands
Map of Woh Gates
Map of Yahse Hunting Grounds
Map of Yorcia Weald
Mark of the Einherjar
Mark of Zahak
Matriarch Naakual Paragon
Mea Gate Crystal
Moblin Pheromone Sack
Mog Kupon A-Emi
Mog Kupon A-Pk109
Moghancement: Bounty
Moon Bauble
Mucid Ahriman Eyeball
Mystical Canteen
Nonary Nazar
Octonary Nazar
Ornamented Scroll
Ortlinde's Feather
Overgrown Mandragora Flower
Paintbrush of Souls
Pair of Fuzzy Earmuffs
Pair of Liij-Vok's Gloves
Pair of Velkk Gloves
Pashhow Gate Crystal
Periapt of Clarity
Periapt of Emergence
Periapt of Guidance
Periapt of Percipience
Periapt of Sapience
Phoenix's Blessing
Piece of Inviolable Bark
Pioneer's Badge
Portal Charm
Pouch of Weighted Stones
Primary Nazar
Prismatic Fragment
Prismatic Hourglass
Pso'xja Pass
Pure White Feather
Quinary Nazar
Rainbow Resonator
Reliquiarium Key
Remnants Permit
Resurrection Retardant Axe
''rhapsody In Azure''
''rhapsody In Crimson''
''rhapsody In Emerald''
''rhapsody In Fuchsia''
''rhapsody In Mauve''
''rhapsody In Ochre''
''rhapsody In Puce''
''rhapsody In Umber''
''rhapsody In White''
Riptide Naakual Paragon
Rosulatia's Pome
Runic Disc
Runic Key
Rusted Chariot Gear
Rusted Hound Collar
Salmon-Colored Seal
San D'oria Trust Permit
Sapphire Abyssite of Furtherance
''scintillating Rhapsody''
Seductive Petrifact
Semi-Pure Alizarin Yggzi
Semi-Pure Aster Yggzi
Semi-Pure Celadon Yggzi
Semi-Pure Phlox Yggzi
Semi-Pure Russet Yggzi
Semi-Pure Zaffre Yggzi
Serpentking Zahak Relief Shard
Shaft Gate Operating Dial
Shard of Apathy
Shard of Arrogance
Shard of Cowardice
Shard of Envy
Shard of Rage
Sicklemoon Salt
Silver Bell
Song of Hope
Sparking Tail Feather
Squire Certificate
Starway Stairway Bauble
Synergy Crucible
Tattered Hippogryph Wing
Tear of Altana
Temple Knight Key
Tenshodo Member's Card
Tonberry Key
Trainer's Whistle
Traverser Stone
Turbid Slime Oil
Vahzl Gate Crystal
Velkk Fetish
Venomous Peiste Claw
Venomous Wamoura Feeler
Verm. Abyssite of Perspicacity
Vial of Dream Incense
Vial of Shrouded Sand
Vial of Translurry
Viridian Abyssite of Avarice
Viridian Abyssite of Merit
Vivid Periapt of Adaptability
Vivid Periapt of Frontiers
Voidwatcher's Emblem: Jeuno
Whisper of the Wyrmking
White Stratum Abyssite Ii
Windurst Trust Permit
Yagudo Torch
Yhoator Gate Crystal
Ymmr-Ulvid's Necklace
Nyzul Tokens: 581
Therion Ichor: 320
Cruor: 11023377
Voidstones: 627
Traverser Stones: 2205
A.M.A.N. Vouchers Stored: 4
Zeni: 21230
Guild Points (Fishing): 0
Guild Points (Woodworking): 0
Guild Points (Smithing): 0
Guild Points (Goldsmithing): 0
Guild Points (Weaving): 0
Guild Points (Leathercraft): 0
Guild Points (Bonecraft): 0
Guild Points (Alchemy): 0
Guild Points (Cooking): 0
Assault Points (Leujaoam Sanctum): 25583
Assault Points (M.J.T.G.): 23832
Assault Points (Lebros Cavern): 30469
Assault Points (Periqia): 32988
Assault Points (Ilrusi Atoll): 43023
Beastman Seals (stored): 119
Kindred Seals (stored): 139
Kindred Crests (stored): 536
High Kindred Crests (stored): 212
Sacred Kindred Crests (stored): 318
Bayld: 60324
Mweya Plasm Corpuscles: 5450
Escha Silt: 1140526
Escha Beads: 6973
Potpourri: 32
Job Points
SAM 10
GEO 1132
SCH 10
PUP 30
Trusts (77)
Lhe Lhangavo
Yoran-Oran (UC)
Nashmeira II
Nanaa Mihgo
Mihli Aliapoh
Iron Eater
King of Hearts
Lilisette II
D. Shantotto
Tenzen II
Star Sibyl
Naja Salaheem
Ferreous Coffin
Lion II
Arciela II
Lehko Habhoka
Zeid II
Iroha II
Shikaree Z
Uka Totlihn
Prishe II
Shantotto II
Semih Lafihna
Coalition Ranks
Pioneer Petitioner
Courier Legend
Inventor Petitioner
Mummer Petitioner
Peacekeeper Petitioner
Scout Petitioner
Escha Vorseal
HP/MP+ 6
Acc/R.Acc/Eva+ 7
Def+ 6
Atk/R.Atk+ 7
M.Acc/M.Eva+ 8
M.Def+ 9
M.Atk+ 8
Occ. Nullifies Damage 3
Killer Effects+ 3
Damage Taken 3
Spoils+ 5
Rare Enemy+ 5
Luck+ 10
Regen+ 6
Refresh+ 9
Accuracy++ 10
tldr& Very well rounded account with all jobs 99, almost all jobs geared and skilled. Missions/Storyline 99% done. Gear from all content Abyssya/Relic/Af/Ambuscade/Escha/Reisen/Omen all here. Lots of upgrade mats. Price that will get you in at midrange and have an account that can do any content
Bid Start $500 Buyout $775
WU or Moneygram Payment, Paypal if rep allows.
I have 5 years history and 100% Postive feedback
Server Xfer is Available
Mercenary Rank: Mercenary Captain! Ready to create mythics!
Zilart: Complete!
Promathia: Complete!
Dynamis: All Access!
ToAU: Complete!
WotG: In the Name of the Father
Adoulin: A Curse from the Past
Voidwatch: Starter Cities Path Complete
Abyssea: Complete!
Rhapsodies: Complete!
Addon (A Crystalline Prophecy): The Echo Awakens
Addon (A Moogle Kupo d'Etat): Drenched! It Began with a Raindrop
Addon (A Shantotto Ascension): That Which Curdless Blood

Value in misc. 500k+ in sellables
Sequence i119
Noteable Melee Rare/EX
Abyss Cuirass 74
(33) Achiyal. Bullet i119
Acro Gauntlets i119 (Accuracy+23, "Store Tp"+6, Weapon Skill Damage +3%)
Acro Surcoat i119 (Pet: Accuracy+23 Pet: Rng. Acc.+23, "Dbl.Atk."+3, Weapon Skill Damage +3%)
Adhemar Bonnet i119 (Dex+10, Agi+10, Accuracy+15)
Adhemar Wristbands i119 (Dex+10, Agi+10, Accuracy+15)
(2) Aizushintogo i119 (Dmg:+15, Accuracy+15, Attack+15)
(2) Aizushintogo i119
Amar Cluster 99
Anahera Tabar i119
andartia's Mantle 99 (Accuracy+12 Attack+12, Accuracy+1, Weapon Skill Damage +6%)
Animikii Bullet 115
Arendsi Fleuret i119
Arktoi i119 (Accuracy+50, Pet: Accuracy+50, Pet: Attack+30)
Asperity Necklace 99
Assim. Charuqs 109
Ayanmo Corazza +1 i119
Beatific Shield +1 i119 (Phys. Dmg. Taken -4%, Hp+20 Mp+20)
(2) Brigantia's Mantle 99 (Str+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Str+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%)
(2) Brigantia's Mantle 99 (Str+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Str+2, "Store Tp"+10)
Brutal Earring 75
Buramenk'ah i119
Cab. Surcoat 109 (Enhances "Fealty" Effect)
Camulus's Mantle 99 (Rng.Acc.+16 Rng.Atk.+16, Weapon Skill Damage +10%)
Cessance Earring 99
Chaac Belt 99
Charis Bangles +2 87
Charis Casaque +2 89
Charis Feather 84
Chass. Tricorne 109
Chasseur's Frac 109
Chasseur's Gants 109
Chev. Cuirass 109
Chevalier's Armet 109
Cibitshavore i119 (Str+12, Rng.Acc.+10, "Store Tp"+7)
Claidheamh Soluis i119 (Accuracy+14, Crit. Hit Damage +5%, Quadruple Attack +2)
Clotharius Torque 99
(2) Colada i119 ("Refresh"+1, Int+1, Mag. Acc.+19, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+25, Dmg:+6)
(2) Colada i119 ("Triple Atk."+2, Crit.Hit Rate+1, Quadruple Attack +2, Dmg:+7)
Compensator i119 (Dmg:+15, Rng.Acc.+15, Rng.Atk.+15)
Cornflower Cape 99 (Mp+15, Dex+2, Accuracy+4, Blue Magic Skill +10)
Crd. Gauntlets +2 87
Creed Cuisses +1 83
Dampener's Torque 99
Dark Ring 74 (Phys. Dmg. Taken -6%, Breath Dmg. Taken -5%)
Deceiver's Torque 99
Defending Ring 70
Demers. Degen +1 i119
Demersal Degen i119
Denouements i119
Diemer Gorget 99
Divinator i119
Eabani Earring 99
(2) Enchufla i119 (Dmg:+15, Str+15, Accuracy+10)
Epona's Ring 89
Eschite Helm i119
Ethereal Earring 72
Evasionist's Cape 99
Falcon Eye 99
Flam. Gambieras +1 i119
Flam. Manopolas +1 i119
Forefathers' Grip 99
Fotia Belt 87
Ginsen 99
Handler's Earring 99
Handler's Earring +1 99
Hangaku-No-Yumi i119
Hashishin Basmak 109
Helios Jacket i119 (Pet: "Mag.Atk.Bns."+29, "Blood Pact" Ability Delay -5, Blood Pact Dmg.+7)
(2) Herculean Boots i119 (Accuracy+20, "Triple Atk."+4, Dex+10, Attack+10)
(2) Herculean Boots i119 (Accuracy+21 Attack+21, Weapon Skill Damage +4%, Agi+6, Attack+5)
(2) Herculean Gloves i119 (Accuracy+29, "Triple Atk."+4, Dex+8, Attack+8)
(2) Herculean Gloves i119 (Accuracy+21, Crit. Hit Damage +5%)
(2) Herculean Helm i119 (Accuracy+25, "Triple Atk."+4, Agi+4, Attack+5)
(2) Herculean Helm i119 (Weapon Skill Damage +4%, Accuracy+15)
(3) Herculean Trousers i119 (Rng.Acc.+24 Rng.Atk.+24, Str+9, Quadruple Attack +1, Accuracy+9 Attack+9, Mag. Acc.+20 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+20)
(3) Herculean Trousers i119 (Accuracy+21, Weapon Skill Damage +4%, Dex+2, Attack+3)
(3) Herculean Trousers i119 (Accuracy+22, Crit. Hit Damage +5%, Dex+7)
(2) Herculean Vest i119 (Accuracy+29, "Triple Atk."+4, Str+4, Attack+12)
(2) Herculean Vest i119 (Attack+17, Weapon Skill Damage +5%, Int+1, Accuracy+5)
Hetairoi Ring 99
Hiza. Haramaki +1 i119
Hiza. Hizayoroi i119
Hiza. Sune-Ate i119
Hizamaru Kote i119
Hizamaru Kote +1 i119
Hizamaru Somen i119
Hizamaru Somen +1 i119
Horos Casaque 109 (Enhances "No Foot Rise" Effect)
Ichigohitofuri i119 (Dmg:+30, Attack+20, Accuracy+20)
Imp. Wing Hair. +1 i119
Impassive Mantle 99
Iris i119 (Dmg:+15, Str+15, Accuracy+15)
Jute Boots i119
Karagoz Capello 109
Karagoz Farsetto 109
Karagoz Guanti 109
Karagoz Pantaloni 109
Karagoz Scarpe 109
K'ayres Ring 99
Kentarch Belt +1 99
Koga Chainmail 74
Koga Tekko 75
Kumbhakarna i119 (Pet: "Mag.Atk.Bns."+20, Pet: Phys. Dmg. Taken -4%, Pet: Str+11 Pet: Dex+11 Pet: Vit+11)
Lerene's Paten
Lissome Necklace 99
Luhlaza Charuqs 109 (Enhances "Diffusion" Effect)
Luhlaza Jubbah 109 (Enhances "Enchainment" Effect)
Luhlaza Shalwar 109 (Enhances "Assimilation" Effect)
Maculele Tiara 109
Magus Bazubands 56
Magus Jubbah 58
Magus Keffiyeh 60
Marked Gorget 99
Mavi Tathlum 84
Mecisto. Mantle 99 (Cap. Point+49%, Attack+2, Def+10)
Meg. Chausses +1 i119
Meg. Cuirie +1 i119
Meg. Gloves +1 i119
Meg. Jam. +1 i119
Meghanada Ring 99
Meghanada Visor +1 i119
Meridian Ring 80
Mirage Jubbah 74
Monster Gaiters 74
Mrg. Bazubands +2 90
Mst. Gloves +2 90 (Enhances "Beast Affinity" Effect)
Mummu Gamash. +1 i119
Nixxer i119 (Dmg:+15, Str+15, Accuracy+10)
Odyssean Cuisses i119 (Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Accuracy+10, Attack+14)
(2) Odyssean Greaves i119
Odyssean Helm i119 (Accuracy+30, Phys. Dmg. Taken -2%, Attack+14)
Ohtas i119 (Accuracy+70, Pet: Accuracy+70, Pet: Haste+10%)
Olyndicus i119 (Accuracy+8, "Store Tp"+6, Dmg:+35)
Onca Suit i119
Overbearing Ring 99
Pastoralist's Mantle 99
Petrov Ring 99
Plun. Armlets 109 (Enhances "Perfect Dodge" Effect)
Priwen i119 (Hp+50, Mag. Evasion+50, Damage Taken -3%)
Pursuer's Gaiters i119
Rajas Ring 30
Rawhide Gloves i119 (Mag. Acc.+11, Int+5, Mnd+5)
Rawhide Mask i119 (Hp+37, Accuracy+10, Evasion+15)
Rawhide Trousers i119 (Mp+50, "Fast Cast"+5, "Refresh"+1)
Repulse Mantle 99
Rhomphaia i119 (Dmg:+30, Str+20, Accuracy+15)
(4) Rosmerta's Cape 99 (Int+20, Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20, "Fast Cast"+10)
(4) Rosmerta's Cape 99 (Dex+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Accuracy+5, "Store Tp"+10)
(4) Rosmerta's Cape 99 (Str+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Mnd+3, Weapon Skill Damage +10%)
(4) Rosmerta's Cape 99 (Dex+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Dex+10, Crit.Hit Rate+10)
Rudianos's Mantle 99 (Hp+18, Accuracy+1 Attack+1)
Sakonji Domaru +1 i119 (Enhances "Overwhelm" Effect)
Sanctity Necklace 99
Sandung i119 (Accuracy+50, Crit. Hit Rate+5%, "Triple Atk."+3)
Seething Bomblet 99
Senuna's Mantle 99 (Weapon Skill Damage +5%)
Shigi i119 (Accuracy+50, Rng.Acc.+50, Damage Taken -5%)
Shrieker's Cuffs i119
Skormoth Mask i119
Skulk. Poulaines 109
Solemnity Cape 99
Sukeroku Hachi. i119
Sulev. Cuisses +2 i119
Sulev. Gauntlets +1 i119
Sulev. Leggings +2 i119
Sulevia's Mask +1 i119
Sulevia's Plate. +2 i119
Sulevia's Ring 99
Suppanomimi 72
(2) Taeon Boots i119 (Pet: Accuracy+22 Pet: Rng. Acc.+22, Pet: Crit.Hit Rate +3, Pet: Damage Taken -4%)
(2) Taeon Boots i119 (Accuracy+19 Attack+19, Crit.Hit Rate+2, Weapon Skill Damage +3%)
Taeon Chapeau i119 (Accuracy+25, Crit.Hit Rate+3, Crit. Hit Damage +3%)
Taeon Gloves i119 (Pet: Accuracy+22 Pet: Rng. Acc.+22, Pet: Crit.Hit Rate +4, Pet: Damage Taken -4%)
(2) Taeon Tights i119 (Accuracy+19 Attack+19, "Triple Atk."+2, Crit. Hit Damage +3%)
(2) Taeon Tights i119 (Pet: Accuracy+24 Pet: Rng. Acc.+24, Pet: Crit.Hit Rate +3, Pet: Damage Taken -3%)
Takaha Mantle 99 (Str+2, "Zanshin"+2, "Store Tp"+1)
Tali'ah Crackows +1 i119
Tali'ah Gages +1 i119
Tali'ah Manteel +1 i119
Tali'ah Sera. +1 i119
Tali'ah Turban +1 i119
Tanmogayi +1 i119
Terminal Helm i119
Terminal Plate i119
thereoid Greaves i119
(2) Toetapper Mantle 99
(2) Toetapper Mantle 99 ("Store Tp"+2, "Dual Wield"+1, "Rev. Flourish"+12, Weapon Skill Damage +4%)
Triska Scythe +1 i119
Trotter Boots 20
Twilight Torque 90
Ukko Sash 99
(2) Valor. Hose i119 (Accuracy+27, "Dbl.Atk."+3, Str+2)
(2) Valor. Hose i119 (Accuracy+21, "Dbl.Atk."+1, Str+3)
Valorous Greaves i119 (Accuracy+30, Weapon Skill Damage +3%, Attack+8)
Valorous Mask i119 (Accuracy+22 Attack+22, Crit.Hit Rate+2, Accuracy+13)
Valorous Mitts i119 (Accuracy+14 Attack+14, Sklchn.Dmg.+4%, Accuracy+8, Attack+9)
Visucius's Mantle 99 (Pet: Acc.+20 Pet: R.Acc.+20 Pet: Atk.+20 Pet: R.Atk.+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Accuracy+1, Pet: "Regen"+4)
Warden's Ring 99
Weard Mantle 99 (Vit+3, Dex+3, Enmity+1, Phalanx +1)
Wyrm Armet 75
Yamabuki-No-Obi 99
Yokaze Mantle 99
Yorium Gauntlets i119 (Accuracy+18, "Fast Cast"+3, Damage Taken-3%)
Yorium Sabatons i119 (Accuracy+20, "Fast Cast"+3, Phys. Dmg. Taken -4%)
Zoran's Belt 99
Noteable Mage Rare/EX
Ababinili i119
Akademos i119 (Int+15, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+15, Mag. Acc.+15)
Amalric Gages i119 (Int+10, Mag. Acc.+15, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+15)
Aoidos' Matinee 84
Assiduity Pants i119
Aya. Cosciales +1 i119
Aya. Gambieras +1 i119
Aya. Manopolas +1 i119
Aya. Zucchetto +1 i119
Bagua Tunic 109 (Enhances "Bolster" Effect)
Caller's Pendant 84
Carmine Cuisses +1 i119 (Accuracy+20, Attack+12, "Dual Wield"+6)
Chironic Doublet i119 (Mag. Acc.+11, "Cure" Potency +10%, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+10)
(2) Chironic Gloves i119 ("Mag.Atk.Bns."+15, "Cure" Spellcasting Time -10%, Int+8)
(2) Chironic Gloves i119
Chironic Hat i119 ("Mag.Atk.Bns."+7, "Fast Cast"+7, Int+7)
Chironic Hose i119 (Mag. Acc.+19 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+19, "Cure" Potency +6%, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+10)
(2) Chironic Slippers i119
(2) Chironic Slippers i119 (Mag. Acc.+23 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+23, "Cure" Potency +2%, Int+8, Mag. Acc.+6, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+12)
Conveyance Cape 99 (Summoning Magic Skill +4, Blood Pact Dmg.+4, Blood Pact Ab. Del. Ii -2)
Culminus i119
Disperser's Cape 99
Duelist's Boots 71
Duelist's Chapeau 75
Duelist's Tights 73
Dunna 99
Eddy Necklace 99
Eminent Sachet 115
Emissary i119 (Mag. Acc.+15, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+20, "Refresh"+1)
Empath Necklace 99
Espiritus i119 (Summoning Magic Skill +15, Pet: Mag. Acc.+30, Pet: Damage Taken -4%)
Estoqueur's Cape 84
Estq. Chappel +1 85
Estq. Ganthrt. +1 87
Estq. Houseaux +1 81
Estq. Sayon +1 89
Estqr. Fuseau +1 83
Etana Ring 99
Evoker's Ring 71
Fi Follet Cape 99
Fili Calot 109
Fili Cothurnes 109
Fili Hongreline 109
Fili Manchettes 109
Fili Rhingrave 109
Fucho-No-Obi 99
Gende. Bilaut +1 i119 (Phys. Dmg. Taken -3%, "Cure" Potency +5%)
Gende. Caubeen +1 i119 (Phys. Dmg. Taken -3%, "Cure" Potency +6%)
Gende. Gages +1 i119 (Phys. Dmg. Taken -3%, Magic Dmg. Taken -2%, "Cure" Potency +7%)
Geomancy Galero 109
Geomancy Mitaines 109
Geomancy Pants 109
Geomancy Sandals 109
Geomancy Tunic 109
Ghostfyre Cape 99 (Enfb.Mag. Skill +9, Enha.Mag. Skill +9, Mag. Acc.+3, Enh. Mag. Eff. Dur. +12)
Gishdubar Sash 99
Glyphic Horn 109 (Enhances "Astral Flow" Effect)
Gwati Earring 99
Hecate's Earring 90
Helios Band i119 (Pet: "Mag.Atk.Bns."+24, "Blood Pact" Ability Delay -4, Blood Pact Dmg.+3)
Helios Boots i119 (Pet: "Mag.Atk.Bns."+21, "Blood Pact" Ability Delay -5, Blood Pact Dmg.+6)
Helios Gloves i119 (Pet: "Mag.Atk.Bns."+25, "Avatar Perpetuation Cost" -4, Blood Pact Dmg.+4)
Helios Spats i119 (Pet: "Mag.Atk.Bns."+24, "Avatar Perpetuation Cost" -3, Blood Pact Dmg.+7)
Hermetic Earring 99
Hygieia Clogs i119
Imbodla Necklace 99
Inyan. Crackows +1 i119
Inyan. Dastanas +1 i119
Inyanga Dastanas i119
Inyanga Shalwar +1 i119
Inyanga Tiara +1 i119
Isa Belt 99
Jhakri Coronal +1 i119
Jhakri Cuffs +2 i119
Jhakri Pigaches +1 i119
Jhakri Ring 99
Jhakri Robe +2 i119
Jhakri Slops +1 i119
(2) Kali i119 (Mag. Acc.+15, String Instrument Skill +10, Wind Instrument Skill +10)
(2) Kali i119
Lathi i119 (Mp+80, Int+20, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+20)
Lifestream Cape 99 (Geomancy Skill +9, Indi. Eff. Dur. +17, Pet: Damage Taken -4%, Damage Taken-1%)
Linos 99 (All Songs+2, "Fast Cast"+4, Int+7)
Locus Ring 99
Lugh's Cape 99
Mallquis Chapeau +1 i119
Mallquis Clogs +1 i119
Mallquis Cuffs +1 i119
Mallquis Saio +1 i119
Mallquis Trews +1 i119
(2) Merlinic Crackows i119
(2) Merlinic Crackows i119 (Mag. Acc.+21 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+21, Magic Burst Dmg.+9%, Chr+3, Mag. Acc.+7, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+15)
Merlinic Dastanas i119 (Mag. Acc.+22 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+22, Magic Burst Dmg.+10%, Mag. Acc.+12, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+10)
Merlinic Hood i119 (Mag. Acc.+9 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+9, Magic Burst Dmg.+10%, Mag. Acc.+14, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+2)
Merlinic Shalwar i119 (Mag. Acc.+19 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+19, Magic Burst Dmg.+9%, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+4)
Mizu. Kubikazari 99
Nourish. Earring 99
Pukulatmuj i119
Regal Gem 99
Samanisi Cape 99
Seidr Cotehardie 99
Siegel Sash 90
Solstice i119 (Mag. Acc.+20, Pet: Damage Taken -4%, "Fast Cast"+5)
Strophadic Earring 95
Telchine Braconi i119 (Mag. Acc.+23, "Cure" Potency +8%, "Regen" Potency+3)
Telchine Cap i119 (Mag. Acc.+15 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+15, "Cure" Potency +7%, Mnd+7)
Telchine Chas. i119 (Mag. Acc.+12, "Cure" Potency +7%, "Regen" Potency+1)
Telchine Gloves i119 (Mag. Acc.+23, "Cure" Potency +3%, Mnd+8)
Telchine Pigaches i119 (Mag. Acc.+24, "Cure" Potency +7%, "Regen" Potency+3)
Terpander 99
Twilight Cape 90
Ab.Abjuration: Ft.
Ar.Abjuration: Bd.
Ar.Abjuration: Lg.
(5) Beastmen's Seal
Bu.Abjuration: Hd.
Bu.Abjuration: Hn.
Bu.Abjuration: Lg.
Cy.Abjuration: Hd.
Gr.Abjuration: Hd.
Gr.Abjuration: Lg.
(8) Iga Seal: Ft.
(6) P. Blu Card
(2) Rem's Tale Ch.1
(82) Rem's Tale Ch.10
(8) Rem's Tale Ch.4
Rem's Tale Ch.5
(20) Rem's Tale Ch.6
(20) Rem's Tale Ch.7
(23) Rem's Tale Ch.8
(91) Rem's Tale Ch.9
Sarameya's Hide
Sh.Abjuration: Hd.
Tr.Abjuration: Lg.
Ve.Abjuration: Lg.
(6) Ancient Lumber
Asklepian Belt 99
(118) Automat. Oil +3 80
Barataria Ring 99
Dosis Tathlum 99
(8) Ebony Lumber
(11) Electrified Broth 99
(40) Etched Memory
Fern Stone
Flume Belt 94
Friomisi Earring 99
(90) Hachiya Shuriken 117
(79) Happo Shuriken 117
Kalboron Stone 99
(23) Mahogany Lbr.
Matre Bell
(4) Muddy Broth 99
(9) Pale Sap 99
(5) Pellucid Stone
(5) Pet Food Eta 84
(7) Rapid Broth 99
(16) Red Curry Bun
Staunch Tathlum 99
(12) Sublime Sushi
(19) Suppa Shuriken 117
Taupe Stone
Key Items
?Magic Pot Companion
?Raptor Companion
?Red Crab Companion
?Tiger Companion
?Warmachine Companion
Abyssite of Discernment
Abyssite of the Cosmos
Adoulinian Charter Permit
Adventurer's Certificate
Aged Booming Naakual Crest
Aged Firebrand Naakual Crest
Aged Flashfrost Naakual Crest
Aged Ligneous Naakual Crest
Aged Matriarch Naakual Crest
Aged Riptide Naakual Crest
Airship Pass
Airship Pass For Kazham
Altepa Gate Crystal
Amber Stratum Abyssite
Ambuscade Primer Volume One
Anti-Glaciation Gear
Archducal Audience Permit
Ashen Stratum Abyssite Iii
Astral Compass
Atma of Allure
Atma of Blighted Breath
Atma of Entwined Serpents
Atma of Gales
Atma of Purgatory
Atma of the Apocalypse
Atma of the Baying Moon
Atma of the Blinding Horn
Atma of the Brother Wolf
Atma of the Clawed butterfly
Atma of the Crimson Scale
Atma of the Frozen Fetters
Atma of the Gnarled Horn
Atma of the Lone Wolf
Atma of the Merciless Matriarch
Atma of the Minikin Monstrosity
Atma of the Omnipotent
Atma of the Persistent Predator
Atma of the Razed Ruins
Atma of the Sanguine Scythe
Atma of the Scarlet Wing
Atma of the Stormbird
Atma of the Stout Arm
Atma of the Stronghold
Atma of the Sundering Slash
Atma of the Tusked Terror
Atma of the Voracious Violet
Atma of the Winged Enigma
Atma of the Would-Be King
Atmacite of Discipline
Atmacite of Mysticism
Atmacite of Preparedness
Atmacite of Rapidity
Atmacite of Unity
Azure Abyssite of Celerity
Azure Abyssite of Lenity
Bastok Trust Permit
Battle Trophy: 1st Echelon
Battle Trophy: 2nd Echelon
Battle Trophy: 3rd Echelon
Battle Trophy: 4th Echelon
Battle Trophy: 5th Echelon
Beguiling Petrifact
Black Matinee Necklace
Blazing Cluster Soul
Bloodied Bat Fur
Boarding Permit
Bracelet of Verve
Brand of Dawn
Brand of the Flameserpent
Brand of the Galeserpent
Brand of the Skyserpent
Brand of the Springserpent
Brand of the Stoneserpent
Brand of Twilight
Bronze Ribbon of Service ?
Brunhilde's Feather
Bundle of Half-Inscribed Scrolls
Captain Wildcat Badge
Cast Metal Plate
Celennia Memorial Library Card
Cerulean Crystal
Chipped Sandworm Tooth
Chocobo License
Clear Demilune Abyssite
Clipped Bird Wing
Clump of Animal Hair
Colorful Demilune Abyssite
Coruscant Rosary
Cracked Wivre Horn
Craggy Fin
Crest of Davoi
Crimson Orb
Crimson Stratum Abyssite Iv
Curilla's Bottle
Cyan Deep Salt
Decaying Morbol Tooth
Delkfutt Key
Dem Gate Crystal
Denary Nazar
Dented Chariot Shield
Detached Stinger
Dimensional Compass
Distended Chigoe Abdomen
Durs-Vike's Earring
Dusky Periapt of Adaptability
Dynamis - Valkurm Sliver
Emerald Abyssite of Fortune
Ephramadian Gold Coin
Eschan Cellar
Eschan Nef
Eschan Urn
Fetid Rafflesia Stalk
Firebrand Naakual Paragon
Flame-Scarred Skull
Fragrant Treant Petal
Frosted Incisor
Gerhilde's Feather
Glittering Pixie Choker
Gps Crystal
Gramk-Droog's Circlet
Green Sentinel Badge
Grimgerde's Feather
Grimoire Page
Habitual Behavior Barometer
Heart of the Bushin
Holla Gate Crystal
Hyacinth Stratum Abyssite
Hydra Corps Command Scepter
Hydra Corps Eyeglass
Hydra Corps Insignia
Hydra Corps Lantern
Hydra Corps Tactical Map
Ignor-Mnt's Bracelet
Imperial Missive
Imperial Standard
Impure Alizarin Yggzi
Impure Aster Yggzi
Impure Celadon Yggzi
Impure Phlox Yggzi
Impure Russet Yggzi
Impure Zaffre Yggzi
Indigo Abyssite of Sojourn
Indigo Stratum Abyssite Iv
Inky Black Yagudo Feather
Insulator Tablet
Ivory Abyssite of Acumen
Ivory Abyssite of Avarice
Ivory Abyssite of Celerity
Ivory Abyssite of Confluence
Ivory Abyssite of Destiny
Ivory Abyssite of Expertise
Ivory Abyssite of Fortune
Ivory Abyssite of Furtherance
Ivory Abyssite of Guerdon
Ivory Abyssite of Kismet
Ivory Abyssite of Merit
Ivory Abyssite of Perspicacity
Ivory Abyssite of Prosperity
Ivory Abyssite of Sojourn
Ivory Abyssite of the Reaper
Jade Stratum Abyssite Iv
Job Breaker
Job Gesture: Bard
Job Gesture: Beastmaster
Job Gesture: Black Mage
Job Gesture: Blue Mage
Job Gesture: Corsair
Job Gesture: Dancer
Job Gesture: Dark Knight
Job Gesture: Dragoon
Job Gesture: Geomancer
Job Gesture: Monk
Job Gesture: Ninja
Job Gesture: Paladin
Job Gesture: Puppetmaster
Job Gesture: Ranger
Job Gesture: Red Mage
Job Gesture: Rune Fencer
Job Gesture: Samurai
Job Gesture: Scholar
Job Gesture: Summoner
Job Gesture: Thief
Job Gesture: Warrior
Job Gesture: White Mage
Jugner Gate Crystal
Kupofried's Medallion
Letter To Angelica
Letter To the Bas. Conflict Cmd.
Letter To the San. Conflict Cmd.
Limit Breaker
Lunar Abyssite
Maddening Petrifact
Magian Trial Log
Magicked Astrolabe
Malformed Polearm
Map of Abyssea - Altepa
Map of Abyssea - Attohwa
Map of Abyssea - Grauberg
Map of Abyssea - Konschtat
Map of Abyssea - La theine
Map of Abyssea - Misareaux
Map of Abyssea - Tahrongi
Map of Abyssea - Uleguerand
Map of Abyssea - Vunkerl
Map of Adoulin
Map of Al Zahbi
Map of Al'taieu
Map of Alzadaal Ruins
Map of Arrapago Reef
Map of Aydeewa Subterrane
Map of Beadeaux
Map of Bhaflau Thickets
Map of Bibiki Bay
Map of Bostaunieux Oubliette
Map of Caedarva Mire
Map of Cape Riverne
Map of Carpenters' Landing
Map of Castle Oztroja
Map of Castle Zvahl
Map of Ceizak Battlegrounds
Map of Cirdas Caverns
Map of Davoi
Map of Delkfutt's Tower
Map of Dho Gates
Map of Escha - Ru'aun
Map of Escha - Zi'tah
Map of Fei'yin
Map of Foret De Hennetiel
Map of Fort Karugo-Narugo
Map of Ghelsba
Map of Giddeus
Map of Grauberg
Map of Halvung
Map of Hu'xzoi
Map of Ifrit's Cauldron
Map of Kamihr Drifts
Map of King Ranperre's Tomb
Map of Labyrinth of Onzozo
Map of Mamook
Map of Marjami Ravine
Map of Moh Gates
Map of Morimar Basalt Fields
Map of Mount Zhayolm
Map of Nashmau
Map of Newton Movalpolos
Map of Norg
Map of Oldton Movalpolos
Map of Ordelle's Caves
Map of Pso'xja
Map of Qufim Island
Map of Ra'kaznar
Map of Rala Waterways
Map of Reisenjima
Map of Ru'hmet
Map of Sea Serpent Grotto
Map of Sih Gates
Map of Tavnazia
Map of Temple of Uggalepih
Map of the Aqueducts
Map of the Attohwa Chasm
Map of the Bastok Area
Map of the Boyahda Tree
Map of the Crawlers' Nest
Map of the Dangruf Wadi
Map of the Den of Rancor
Map of the Eldieme Necropolis
Map of the Elshimo Regions
Map of the Garlaige Citadel
Map of the Gusgen Mines
Map of the Horutoto Ruins
Map of the Jeuno Area
Map of the Korroloka Tunnel
Map of the Kuftal Tunnel
Map of the Kuzotz Region
Map of the Li'telor Region
Map of the Maze of Shakhrami
Map of the Northlands Area
Map of the Palborough Mines
Map of the Quicksand Caves
Map of the Ranguemont Pass
Map of the Ru'aun Gardens
Map of the Sacrarium
Map of the San D'oria Area
Map of the Toraimarai Canal
Map of the Uleguerand Range
Map of the Vollbow Region
Map of the Windurst Area
Map of the Zeruhn Mines
Map of Ve'lugannon Palace
Map of Vunkerl Inlet
Map of Wajaom Woodlands
Map of Woh Gates
Map of Yahse Hunting Grounds
Map of Yorcia Weald
Mark of the Einherjar
Mark of Zahak
Matriarch Naakual Paragon
Mea Gate Crystal
Moblin Pheromone Sack
Mog Kupon A-Emi
Mog Kupon A-Pk109
Moghancement: Bounty
Moon Bauble
Mucid Ahriman Eyeball
Mystical Canteen
Nonary Nazar
Octonary Nazar
Ornamented Scroll
Ortlinde's Feather
Overgrown Mandragora Flower
Paintbrush of Souls
Pair of Fuzzy Earmuffs
Pair of Liij-Vok's Gloves
Pair of Velkk Gloves
Pashhow Gate Crystal
Periapt of Clarity
Periapt of Emergence
Periapt of Guidance
Periapt of Percipience
Periapt of Sapience
Phoenix's Blessing
Piece of Inviolable Bark
Pioneer's Badge
Portal Charm
Pouch of Weighted Stones
Primary Nazar
Prismatic Fragment
Prismatic Hourglass
Pso'xja Pass
Pure White Feather
Quinary Nazar
Rainbow Resonator
Reliquiarium Key
Remnants Permit
Resurrection Retardant Axe
''rhapsody In Azure''
''rhapsody In Crimson''
''rhapsody In Emerald''
''rhapsody In Fuchsia''
''rhapsody In Mauve''
''rhapsody In Ochre''
''rhapsody In Puce''
''rhapsody In Umber''
''rhapsody In White''
Riptide Naakual Paragon
Rosulatia's Pome
Runic Disc
Runic Key
Rusted Chariot Gear
Rusted Hound Collar
Salmon-Colored Seal
San D'oria Trust Permit
Sapphire Abyssite of Furtherance
''scintillating Rhapsody''
Seductive Petrifact
Semi-Pure Alizarin Yggzi
Semi-Pure Aster Yggzi
Semi-Pure Celadon Yggzi
Semi-Pure Phlox Yggzi
Semi-Pure Russet Yggzi
Semi-Pure Zaffre Yggzi
Serpentking Zahak Relief Shard
Shaft Gate Operating Dial
Shard of Apathy
Shard of Arrogance
Shard of Cowardice
Shard of Envy
Shard of Rage
Sicklemoon Salt
Silver Bell
Song of Hope
Sparking Tail Feather
Squire Certificate
Starway Stairway Bauble
Synergy Crucible
Tattered Hippogryph Wing
Tear of Altana
Temple Knight Key
Tenshodo Member's Card
Tonberry Key
Trainer's Whistle
Traverser Stone
Turbid Slime Oil
Vahzl Gate Crystal
Velkk Fetish
Venomous Peiste Claw
Venomous Wamoura Feeler
Verm. Abyssite of Perspicacity
Vial of Dream Incense
Vial of Shrouded Sand
Vial of Translurry
Viridian Abyssite of Avarice
Viridian Abyssite of Merit
Vivid Periapt of Adaptability
Vivid Periapt of Frontiers
Voidwatcher's Emblem: Jeuno
Whisper of the Wyrmking
White Stratum Abyssite Ii
Windurst Trust Permit
Yagudo Torch
Yhoator Gate Crystal
Ymmr-Ulvid's Necklace
Nyzul Tokens: 581
Therion Ichor: 320
Cruor: 11023377
Voidstones: 627
Traverser Stones: 2205
A.M.A.N. Vouchers Stored: 4
Zeni: 21230
Guild Points (Fishing): 0
Guild Points (Woodworking): 0
Guild Points (Smithing): 0
Guild Points (Goldsmithing): 0
Guild Points (Weaving): 0
Guild Points (Leathercraft): 0
Guild Points (Bonecraft): 0
Guild Points (Alchemy): 0
Guild Points (Cooking): 0
Assault Points (Leujaoam Sanctum): 25583
Assault Points (M.J.T.G.): 23832
Assault Points (Lebros Cavern): 30469
Assault Points (Periqia): 32988
Assault Points (Ilrusi Atoll): 43023
Beastman Seals (stored): 119
Kindred Seals (stored): 139
Kindred Crests (stored): 536
High Kindred Crests (stored): 212
Sacred Kindred Crests (stored): 318
Bayld: 60324
Mweya Plasm Corpuscles: 5450
Escha Silt: 1140526
Escha Beads: 6973
Potpourri: 32
Job Points
SAM 10
GEO 1132
SCH 10
PUP 30
Trusts (77)
Lhe Lhangavo
Yoran-Oran (UC)
Nashmeira II
Nanaa Mihgo
Mihli Aliapoh
Iron Eater
King of Hearts
Lilisette II
D. Shantotto
Tenzen II
Star Sibyl
Naja Salaheem
Ferreous Coffin
Lion II
Arciela II
Lehko Habhoka
Zeid II
Iroha II
Shikaree Z
Uka Totlihn
Prishe II
Shantotto II
Semih Lafihna
Coalition Ranks
Pioneer Petitioner
Courier Legend
Inventor Petitioner
Mummer Petitioner
Peacekeeper Petitioner
Scout Petitioner
Escha Vorseal
HP/MP+ 6
Acc/R.Acc/Eva+ 7
Def+ 6
Atk/R.Atk+ 7
M.Acc/M.Eva+ 8
M.Def+ 9
M.Atk+ 8
Occ. Nullifies Damage 3
Killer Effects+ 3
Damage Taken 3
Spoils+ 5
Rare Enemy+ 5
Luck+ 10
Regen+ 6
Refresh+ 9
Accuracy++ 10
tldr& Very well rounded account with all jobs 99, almost all jobs geared and skilled. Missions/Storyline 99% done. Gear from all content Abyssya/Relic/Af/Ambuscade/Escha/Reisen/Omen all here. Lots of upgrade mats. Price that will get you in at midrange and have an account that can do any content
Bid Start $500 Buyout $775
WU or Moneygram Payment, Paypal if rep allows.
I have 5 years history and 100% Postive feedback