Server Xfer is Available
Mercenary Rank: Mercenary Captain! Ready to create mythics!
San d'Oria Rank: Complete!
Bastok Rank: Rank 6
Rise of the Zilart: Complete!
Chains of Promathia: Complete!
Treasures of Aht Urhgan: Complete!
Wings of the Goddess: Complete!
Addon: A Crystalline Prophecy: The Echo Awakens
Addon: A Moogle Kupo d'Etat: Drenched! It Began with a Raindrop
Addon: A Shantotto Ascension: That Which Curdles Blood
Abyssea: Complete!
Seekers of Adoulin: Complete!
Completed Unique Coalitions (Adoulin): 90
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel: Complete!

Value in misc. 500k+ in sellables
Carnwenhan AFTERGLOW 119 AG (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Daurdabla 99
Death Penalty AFTERGLOW 119 AG (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Fomalhaut i119 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Gjallarhorn 99
Marsyas 99
Sortie Empyrean +2/+3 JSE Earring
Amini Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+11, Mag. Acc.+11, Crit.Hit Rate+3)
Arbatel Bonnet +3 i119
Arbatel Bracers +3 i119
Arbatel Earring 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Mag. Acc.+7)
Arbatel Gown +3 i119
Arbatel Loafers +3 i119
Arbatel Pants +3 i119
Beck. Bracers +3 i119
Beck. Doublet +3 i119
Beck. Earring +2 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Pet: Accuracy+17 Pet: Rng. Acc.+17, Pet: Mag. Acc.+17, Damage Taken-6%, Pet: "Store Tp"+7)
Beck. Pigaches +3 i119
Beck. Spats +3 i119
Beckoner's Horn +3 i119
Bhikku Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+13, Mag. Acc.+13, "Store Tp"+4)
Boii Cuisses +3 i119
Boii Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+11, Mag. Acc.+11, Crit.Hit Rate+3)
Boii Mufflers +3 i119
Chas. Culottes +3 i119
Chas. Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+13, Mag. Acc.+13, Crit.Hit Rate+4)
Chass. Bottes +3 i119
Chass. Tricorne +3 i119
Chasseur's Frac +3 i119
Chasseur's Gants +3 i119
Chev. Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+11, Mag. Acc.+11, Damage Taken-3%)
Earp i119
Ebers Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+12, Mag. Acc.+12, Damage Taken-4%)
Erilaz Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+12, Mag. Acc.+12, Damage Taken-4%)
Fili Calot +3 i119
Fili Cothurnes +3 i119
Fili Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+13, Mag. Acc.+13, Damage Taken-4%)
Fili Hongreline +3 i119
Fili Manchettes +3 i119
Fili Rhingrave +3 i119
Hashi. Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+11, Mag. Acc.+11, "Dbl.Atk."+3)
Hattori Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+11, Mag. Acc.+11, "Store Tp"+3)
Heath. Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+14, Mag. Acc.+14, Weapon Skill Damage +3%)
(12) Hexahedrite
Kara. Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+14, Mag. Acc.+14, "Store Tp"+5)
Kasuga Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+11, Mag. Acc.+11, Weapon Skill Damage +2%)
Leth. Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+14, Mag. Acc.+14, "Dbl.Atk."+5)
Macu. Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+15, Mag. Acc.+15, "Store Tp"+5)
Nukumi Earring +2 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+18, Mag. Acc.+18, Pet: "Dbl. Atk."+9, Str+11 Chr+11)
(54) Octahedrite
Pel. Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+12, Mag. Acc.+12, Crit.Hit Rate+4)
Pel. Vambraces +3 i119
Pelt. Cuissots +3 i119
Peltast's Mezail +3 i119
(59) Ra'kaz. Sapphire
(24) Ra'kaz. Starstone
Skulk. Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+13, Mag. Acc.+13, "Store Tp"+4)
(30) Voracious Psyche
Wicce Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Mag. Acc.+12, Enmity-2)
Acrontica i119
Agwu's Axe i119
Agwu's Cap i119
Agwu's Claymore i119
Agwu's Gages i119 (Path: A, Rank: 5)
Agwu's Pigaches i119
Agwu's Robe i119
Agwu's Scythe i119
Agwu's Slops i119
Beithir Ring 99
Bunzi's Chopper i119
Bunzi's Gloves i119
Bunzi's Hat i119
Bunzi's Pants i119
Bunzi's Robe i119
Bunzi's Rod i119
Bunzi's Sabots i119
Coiste Bodhar 99 (Path: A, Rank: 24)
Epitaph i119 (Path: A, Rank: 21)
Gekkei i119
Gleti's Boots i119
Gleti's Breeches i119
Gleti's Crossbow i119
Gleti's Cuirass i119
Gleti's Gauntlets i119
Gleti's Knife i119
Gleti's Mask i119
Hesperiidae 99
Ikenga's Axe i119
Ikenga's Clogs i119
Ikenga's Gloves i119
Ikenga's Hat i119
Ikenga's Lance i119
Ikenga's Trousers i119
Ikenga's Vest i119
Information On Arebati
Information On Aristaeus
Information On Bumba
Information On Dealan-Dhe
Information On Gigelorum
Information On Gogmagog
Information On Henwen
Information On Kalunga
Information On Marmorkrebs
Information On Ngai
Information On Procne
Information On Raskovniche
Information On Sgili
Information On U Bnai
Information On Xevioso
Kunimitsu i119
Mpaca's Boots i119
Mpaca's Bow i119
Mpaca's Cap i119
Mpaca's Doublet i119
Mpaca's Gloves i119
Mpaca's Hose i119
Mpaca's Staff i119
Neo Animator i119
Nyame Flanchard i119 (Path: B, Rank: 25)
Nyame Gauntlets i119 (Path: B, Rank: 25)
Nyame Helm i119 (Path: B, Rank: 25)
Nyame Mail i119 (Path: B, Rank: 25)
Nyame Sollerets i119 (Path: B, Rank: 25)
Obstin. Sash 99 (Path: A, Rank: 8)
Sakpata's Cuisses i119
Sakpata's Fists i119
Sakpata's Gauntlets i119
Sakpata's Helm i119
Sakpata's Leggings i119 (Path: A, Rank: 4)
Sakpata's Plate i119
Sakpata's Sword i119
Schere Earring 99 (Path: A, Rank: 10)
Tellen Belt 99
Tsuru i119
Su5+1/2 Weapons Necks Volte
Argute Stole +2 99 (Path: A, Rank: 25)
Bard's Charm +2 99 (Path: A, Rank: 25)
Clr. Torque +2 99 (Path: A, Rank: 14)
Comm. Charm +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 9)
Comm. Charm +2 99 (Path: A, Rank: 25)
Musa i119 (Path: C, Rank: 25)
(2) Rostam i119 (Path: A, Rank: 9)
(2) Rostam i119 (Path: C, Rank: 25)
Smn. Collar +2 99 (Path: A, Rank: 25)
War. Beads +2 99 (Path: A, Rank: 25)
119 Relic +2/+3
Bihu Cannions +3 i119 (Enhances "Soul Voice" Effect)
Bihu Cuffs +3 i119 (Enhances "Con Brio" Effect)
Bihu Jstcorps. +3 i119 (Enhances "Troubadour" Effect)
Bihu Roundlet +3 i119 (Enhances "Con Anima" Effect)
Bihu Slippers +3 i119 (Enhances "Nightingale" Effect)
Convo. Bracers +2 i119
Convo. Pigaches +2 i119
Laksa. Gants +3 i119
Lanun Bottes +3 i119 (Enhances "Wild Card" Effect)
Lanun Frac +3 i119 (Enhances "Loaded Deck" Effect)
Lanun Gants +3 i119 (Enhances "Fold" Effect)
Lanun Trews +3 i119 (Enhances "Snake Eye" Effect)
Lanun Tricorne +3 i119 (Enhances "Winning Streak" Effect)
Peda. Bracers +3 i119 (Enh. "Tranquility" and "Equanimity")
Peda. Gown +3 i119 (Enhances "Enlightenment" Effect)
Peda. Loafers +3 i119 (Enhances "Stormsurge" Effect)
Peda. M.Board +3 i119 (Enh. "Altruism" and "Focalization")
Peda. Pants +3 i119 (Enhances "Tabula Rasa" Effect)
Ptero. Brais +3 i119 (Enhances "Strafe" Effect)
Ptero. Fin. G. +3 i119 (Enhances "Angon" Effect)
Ptero. Greaves +3 i119 (Enhances "Empathy" Effect)
Ptero. Mail +3 i119 (Enhances "Spirit Surge" Effect)
119 Artifact +2/+3
Acad. Bracers +3 i119
Acad. Gown +3 i119
Acad. Loafers +3 i119
Acad. Mortar. +3 i119
Acad. Pants +3 i119
Brioso Cannions +3 i119
Brioso Cuffs +3 i119
Brioso Justau. +3 i119
Brioso Roundlet +3 i119
Brioso Slippers +3 i119
Con. Doublet +2 i119
Convo. Spats +2 i119
Convoker's Horn +2 i119
Laksa. Bottes +3 i119
Laksa. Frac +3 i119
Laksa. Trews +3 i119
Laksa. Tricorne +3 i119
theophany Mitts +2 i119
Vishap Brais +3 i119
Adad Amulet 99
Adapa Shield i119
Ammurapi Shield i119
Anu Torque 99
Ashera Harness i119
Dingir Ring 99
Enki Strap 99
Enmerkar Earring 99
Erra Pendant 99
Ilabrat Ring 99
Iskur Gorget 99
Kishar Ring 99
Knobkierrie 99
Lugalbanda Earring 99
Niqmaddu Ring 99
Nusku Shield i119
P. Blu Card
(9) P. Brd Card
(4) P. Cor Card
P. Dnc Card
P. Drg Card
(7) P. Sch Card
(202) P. Smn Card
P. Thf Card
(6) P. Whm Card
Regal Belt 99
Regal Necklace 99
Sherida Earring 99
Shulmanu Collar 99
Udug Jacket i119
Utu Grip 99
Escha Zi'Tah/Ru'Aun/Reisenjima
Apate Ring 99
Baetyl Pendant 99
Clotharius Torque 99
Compensator i119 (Dmg:+15, Agi+15, Rng.Acc.+15)
Eabani Earring 99
Espiritus i119 (Summoning Magic Skill +15, Pet: Mag. Acc.+30, Pet: Damage Taken -4%)
Evanescence Ring 99
Gada i119 (Enh. Mag. Eff. Dur. +5, Mnd+1, Mag. Acc.+19, Dmg:+7)
Genmei Earring 99
Genmei Shield i119
Gishdubar Sash 99
Gyve Trousers i119
Infused Earring 99
Inspirited Boots i119
Ipoca Beret i119
Kali i119 (Mag. Acc.+15, String Instrument Skill +10, Wind Instrument Skill +10)
Lissome Necklace 99
Lucidity Sash 99
Mendi. Earring 99
Molybdosis i119
Nodens Gorget 99
Pemphredo Tathlum 99
Petrov Ring 99
Purity Ring 99
Queller Rod i119 (Healing Magic Skill +15, "Cure" Potency +10%, "Cure" Spellcasting Time -7%)
Reiki Yotai 99
Rufescent Ring 99
Sanctity Necklace 99
Sangoma i119
Sapience Orb 99
Sayadio's Kaftan i119
Telos Earring 99
thereoid Greaves i119
Vanya Clogs i119 (Healing Magic Skill +20, "Cure" Spellcasting Time -7%, Magic Dmg. Taken -3)
Vedic Coat i119
Yemaya Belt 99
119 Abjuration Gear
Adhemar Bonnet +1 i119 (Dex+12, Agi+12, Accuracy+20)
Adhemar Jacket +1 i119 (Dex+12, Agi+12, Accuracy+20)
Adhemar Kecks +1 i119 (Agi+12, Rng.Acc.+20, Rng.Atk.+20)
Adhemar Wrist. +1 i119 (Dex+12, Agi+12, Accuracy+20)
Carmine Cuisses +1 i119 (Hp+80, Str+12, Int+12)
Kaykaus Bliaut +1 i119 (Mp+80, "Cure" Potency +6%, "Conserve Mp"+7)
Kaykaus Boots +1 i119 (Mag. Acc.+20, "Cure" Potency +6%, "Fast Cast"+4)
Kaykaus Cuffs +1 i119 (Mp+80, "Conserve Mp"+7, "Fast Cast"+4)
Kaykaus Mitra +1 i119 (Mp+80, Mnd+12, Mag. Acc.+20)
Kaykaus Tights +1 i119 (Mp+80, Mnd+12, Mag. Acc.+20)
(6) A. Voucher: Back
(6) A. Voucher: Weapon
(2) Alaunus's Cape 99 (Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20, "Fast Cast"+10)
(2) Alaunus's Cape 99 (Mnd+20, Eva.+20 /Mag. Eva.+20, Mnd+10, "Cure" Potency +10%, Damage Taken-5%)
Aya. Cosciales +2 i119
Aya. Gambieras +2 i119
Aya. Manopolas +2 i119
Aya. Zucchetto +2 i119
Ayanmo Corazza +2 i119
Ayanmo Ring 99
(3) Brigantia's Mantle 99 (Str+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Weapon Skill Damage +10%)
(3) Brigantia's Mantle 99 (Dex+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, "Dbl.Atk."+10)
(3) Brigantia's Mantle 99 (Str+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Crit.Hit Rate+10)
(2) Campestres's Cape 99 (Pet: Acc.+20 Pet: R.Acc.+20 Pet: Atk.+20 Pet: R.Atk.+20, Eva.+20 /Mag. Eva.+20, Enmity-10, Damage Taken-5%)
(2) Campestres's Cape 99 (Mnd+20, Eva.+20 /Mag. Eva.+20, Mag. Evasion+10, Pet: "Regen"+10, Damage Taken-5%)
(6) Camulus's Mantle 99 (Agi+20, Rng.Acc.+20 Rng.Atk.+20, Rng.Acc.+10, Crit.Hit Rate+10, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(6) Camulus's Mantle 99 (Int+20, Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20, Int+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(6) Camulus's Mantle 99 (Agi+20, Rng.Acc.+20 Rng.Atk.+20, Agi+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(6) Camulus's Mantle 99 (Str+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Str+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(6) Camulus's Mantle 99 (Agi+20, Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20, Agi+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(6) Camulus's Mantle 99 (Dex+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Dex+10, "Store Tp"+10, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(2) Cichol's Mantle 99 (Str+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Str+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Damage Taken-5%)
(2) Cichol's Mantle 99 (Dex+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Dex+10, "Dbl.Atk."+10, Damage Taken-5%)
Flam. Gambieras +2 i119
Flam. Manopolas +2 i119
Flam. Zucchetto +2 i119
Flamma Dirs +2 i119
Flamma Korazin +2 i119
Flamma Ring 99
Hiza. Hizayoroi +2 i119
Hiza. Somen +2 i119
Hizamaru Ring 99
(6) Intarabus's Cape 99 (Str+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Str+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(6) Intarabus's Cape 99 (Dex+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Dex+10, "Store Tp"+10, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(6) Intarabus's Cape 99 (Chr+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Chr+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(6) Intarabus's Cape 99 (Dex+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Dex+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(6) Intarabus's Cape 99 (Int+20, Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20, Int+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(6) Intarabus's Cape 99 (Chr+20, Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20, Chr+10, Enmity-10, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
Inyan. Crackows +2 i119
Inyan. Dastanas +2 i119
Inyanga Jubbah +2 i119
Inyanga Ring 99
Inyanga Shalwar +2 i119
Inyanga Tiara +2 i119
Jhakri Coronal +2 i119
Jhakri Cuffs +2 i119
Jhakri Pigaches +2 i119
Jhakri Ring 99
Jhakri Robe +2 i119
Jhakri Slops +2 i119
Khonsu 99
(5) Lugh's Cape 99 (Int+20, Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20, Int+10, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+10, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(5) Lugh's Cape 99 (Mnd+20, Eva.+20 /Mag. Eva.+20, Mag. Evasion+10, Enmity-10, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(5) Lugh's Cape 99 (Dex+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Accuracy+10, "Store Tp"+10, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(5) Lugh's Cape 99 (Int+20, Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20, Int+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(5) Lugh's Cape 99 (Str+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Str+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
Mall. Chapeau +2 i119
Mallquis Clogs +2 i119
Mallquis Cuffs +2 i119
Mallquis Ring 99
Mallquis Saio +2 i119
Mallquis Trews +2 i119
Maxentius i119
Meg. Chausses +2 i119
Meg. Cuirie +2 i119
Meg. Gloves +2 i119
Meg. Jam. +2 i119
Meghanada Ring 99
Meghanada Visor +2 i119
Mummu Bonnet +2 i119
Mummu Gamash. +2 i119
Mummu Jacket +2 i119
Mummu Kecks +2 i119
Mummu Ring 99
Mummu Wrists +2 i119
Naegling i119
Shining One i119
Sulev. Cuisses +2 i119
Sulev. Gauntlets +2 i119
Sulev. Leggings +2 i119
Sulevia's Mask +2 i119
Sulevia's Plate. +2 i119
Sulevia's Ring 99
Tali'ah Crackows +2 i119
Tali'ah Gages +2 i119
Tali'ah Manteel +2 i119
Tali'ah Ring 99
Tali'ah Sera. +2 i119
Tali'ah Turban +2 i119
Tauret i119
Xoanon i119
Reforged Artifact/Relic/Emp
Agoge Calligae +1 i119 (Enhances "Tomahawk" Effect)
Agoge Mask +1 i119 (Enhances "Savagery" Effect)
Agoge Mufflers +1 i119 (Enhances "Mighty Strikes" Effect)
Ebers Bliaut +1 i119
Ebers Cap 109
Ebers Mitts 109
Ebers Pant. +1 i119
Hiza. Haramaki +2 i119
Hiza. Sune-Ate +2 i119
Hizamaru Kote +2 i119
Piety Pantaloons 109 (Enhances "Afflatus Misery" Effect)
theo. Duckbills 109
theo. Pantaloons 109
Domain Invasion
Embla Sash 99
Gersemi Earring 99
Ilmr Earring 99
Lodurr Earring 99
Mani Earring 99
Meili Earring 99
Mimir Earring 99
Odr Earring 99
Thrud Earring 99
Voluspa Knife i119
Vor Earring 99
Sinnister Reign
Befouled Crown i119
Count's Garb i119
Divinity i119 (Attack+10, Accuracy+10, Phys. Dmg. Taken -3%, Dmg:+15)
Enervating Earring 99
Etiolation Earring 99
Founder's Hose i119 (Mnd+10, Mag. Acc.+15, Attack+15, Breath Dmg. Taken -5%)
Incarnation Sash 99
Ishvara Earring 99
Leyline Gloves i119 (Accuracy+15, Mag. Acc.+15, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+15, "Fast Cast"+3)
Rumination Sash 99
Terminal Helm i119
Terminal Plate i119
Vengeful Ring 99
Acuity Belt +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Assid. Pants +1 i119
Asteria Mitts +1 i119 (Path: A, Rank: 7)
Blistering Sallet +1 i119 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Demers. Degen +1 i119 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Fi Follet Cape +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Gazu Bracelets +1 i119 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Ghastly Tathlum +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Kentarch Belt +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Kustawi +1 i119 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Lamassu Mitts +1 i119 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Loricate Torque 99
Loxotic Mace +1 i119 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Marin Staff +1 i119 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Mephitas's Ring +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Metamor. Ring +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Odnowa Earring +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Regal Pumps +1 i119
Sailfi Belt +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Shinjutsu-No-Obi +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Ternion Dagger +1 i119 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Unmoving Collar +1 99
Vim Torque +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Warder's Charm +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 2)
Other Noteable R/EX
(2) A. Voucher: Replica
Apkallu Scepter
Archon Cape 90
Archon Ring 90
Ataktos 99 (Delay:+60, Tp Bonus +1000)
Barkaro. Earring 99
Battlecast Gaiters i119
Borealis 99
Brutal Earring 75
C. Palug Crown i119
C. Palug Earring 99
C. Palug Ring 99
C. Palug Stone 99
Centovente 99 (Tp Bonus +1000)
Cessance Earring 99
Cornelia's Belt 99
Cornelia's Ring 99
Crematio Earring 99
Culminus i119
Daybreak i119
Defending Ring 70
Elite Royal Collar 99
Emporox's Ring 99
Epona's Ring 89
Erudit. Necklace 99
Evoker's Ring 71
Fermion Sword
Fotia Belt 87
Fotia Gorget 72
Freke Ring 99
Fucho-No-Obi 99
Geirrothr i119
Gelos Earring 99
Gere Ring 99
Ginsen 99
Girru 99
Glorious Earring 99
Gridarvor i119 (Pet: Accuracy+70, Pet: Attack+70, Pet: "Dbl. Atk."+15)
Hachirin-No-Obi 71
Hecate's Earring 90
Hieros Mittens 99
Hjarrandi Breast. i119
Hjarrandi Helm i119
Homiliary 99
Incanter's Torque 99
Jann. Ring +1 99
Liv. Bul. Pouch 99
Loquac. Earring 75
Luzaf's Ring 40
Malignance Boots i119
Malignance Chapeau i119
Malignance Earring 99
Malignance Gloves i119
Malignance Pole i119
Malignance Sword i119
Malignance Tabard i119
Malignance Tights i119
Manasa Chasuble 99
Mizu. Kubikazari 99
Mollfrith 99
Moonshade Earring 90 ("Mag.Atk.Bns."+4, Tp Bonus +250)
Orunmila's Torque 99
Oshasha's Treatise 99
Per. Lucky Egg 99
Plat. Mog. Belt 99
Rajas Ring 30
Rep. Plat. Medal 99
Sacro Breastplate i119
Sacro Bulwark i119
Sacro Cord 99
Sacro Gorget 99
Sacro Mantle 99
Sanare Earring 99
Seidr Cotehardie 99
Shadow Mantle 75
Shadow Ring 75
Shedir Seraweels 99
Shuhansadamune i119
Sibyl Scarf 99
Siegel Sash 90
Storage Slip 29
Storage Slip 30
Suppanomimi 72
Tengu Shawl
Twilight Cloak 90
Ukko Sash 99
Voltsurge Torque 99
Zantetsuken i119
Zantetsuken X i119
andoaa Earring 99
Animikii Bullet 115
Bolelabunga i119
Bookworm's Cape 99 (Int+4, Mnd+2, Helix Eff. Dur. +13, "Regen" Potency+10)
Chaac Belt 99
Conveyance Cape 99 (Summoning Magic Skill +2, Pet: Enmity+11, Blood Pact Dmg.+1, Blood Pact Ab. Del. Ii -3)
Gunslinger's Cape 99
Gwati Earring 99
Isa Belt 99
(5) Linos 99 (Accuracy+14 Attack+14, Weapon Skill Damage +3%, Str+8)
(5) Linos 99 ("Mag.Atk.Bns."+15, Weapon Skill Damage +3%, Int+8)
(5) Linos 99 (Attack+15, Weapon Skill Damage +3%, Dex+8)
(5) Linos 99 (Accuracy+20, "Store Tp"+4, Quadruple Attack +3)
(5) Linos 99 (Accuracy+14 Attack+14, Weapon Skill Damage +3%, Chr+8)
Lutian Cape 99
Telchine Braconi i119 (Mag. Evasion+17, "Conserve Mp"+5, Enh. Mag. Eff. Dur. +10)
Telchine Cap i119 (Mag. Evasion+16, "Conserve Mp"+5, Enh. Mag. Eff. Dur. +10)
Telchine Chas. i119 (Mag. Evasion+25, "Conserve Mp"+5, Enh. Mag. Eff. Dur. +10)
Telchine Gloves i119 (Mag. Evasion+16, "Conserve Mp"+5, Enh. Mag. Eff. Dur. +10)
Telchine Pigaches i119 (Mag. Evasion+20, "Conserve Mp"+5, Enh. Mag. Eff. Dur. +10)
Updraft Mantle 99
Midras's Helm +1
Base Artifact/Relic/Emp
Charis Tiara 85
Charis Tights 83
Sylvan Bottillons 81
(10) Abdhaljs Anima
(120) Abdhaljs Dust
(10) Abdhaljs Gem
(10) Abdhaljs Matter
(6) Abdhaljs Needle
(10) Abdhaljs Nugget
(30) Abdhaljs Resin
(60) Abdhaljs Sap
Abdhaljs Seal
(120) Abdhaljs Thread
(3) Colorless Soul
Dragua's Scale
(36) Fu's Scale
(25) Gin's Scale
(2) Iron Plate
(40) Kei's Scale
(29) Kin's Scale
Kupon A-Lum
(3) Kupon I-Aby
Kupon I-Seal
(15) Kyou's Scale
Mog Pell (Red)
(2) Orthrus's Claw
(2) Sedna's Tusk
(51) Sp Gobbie Key
Storage Slip 28
Storage Slip 31
Key Items
Bomb Companion
Coeurl Companion
Crab Companion
Golden Bomb Companion
Magic Pot Companion
Morbol Companion
Raptor Companion
Red Crab Companion
Sheep Companion
Spheroid Companion
Tiger Companion
Tulfaire Companion
Wivre Companion
''20,000 Yalms Under the Sea''
''a Farewell To Freshwater''
Abyssite of Discernment
Abyssite of the Cosmos
Adoulinian Charter Permit
''adoulin's Topiary Treasures''
Adventurer's Certificate
Aged Booming Naakual Crest
Aged Firebrand Naakual Crest
Aged Flashfrost Naakual Crest
Aged Ligneous Naakual Crest
Aged Matriarch Naakual Crest
Aged Riptide Naakual Crest
Aged Undying Naakual Crest
Airship Pass
Algor Resilience
Alizarin Yantric Planchette
''all the Ways To Skin A Carp''
Amber Stratum Abyssite Ii
''anatomy of An Angler''
Anti-Glaciation Gear
''arboreal Abracadabra''
Archducal Audience Permit
Arciela's Skirt
Ashen Stratum Abyssite Iii
Ashrakk's Blood Sigil
Aster Yantric Planchette
Astral Compass
Atma of Allure
Atma of Apparitions
Atma of Calamity
Atma of Gales
Atma of Purgatory
Atma of the Brother Wolf
Atma of the Crimson Scale
Atma of the Gnarled Horn
Atma of the Horned Beast
Atma of the Lone Wolf
Atma of the Merciless Matriarch
Atma of the Minikin Monstrosity
Atma of the Omnipotent
Atma of the Razed Ruins
Atma of the Sanguine Scythe
Atma of the Stormbird
Atma of the Stout Arm
Atma of the Stronghold
Atma of the Voracious Violet
Atmacite of Affinity
Atmacite of Aplomb
Atmacite of Coercion
Atmacite of Curses
Atmacite of Dark Designs
Atmacite of Deluges
Atmacite of Destruction
Atmacite of Devotion
Atmacite of Discipline
Atmacite of Eminence
Atmacite of Enticement
Atmacite of Exhortation
Atmacite of Finesse
Atmacite of Glaciers
Atmacite of Incursion
Atmacite of Latitude
Atmacite of Mysticism
Atmacite of Onslaught
Atmacite of Persistence
Atmacite of Preparedness
Atmacite of Preservation
Atmacite of Rapidity
Atmacite of Skyblaze
Atmacite of Temperance
Atmacite of the Adamant
Atmacite of the Assassin
Atmacite of the Depths
Atmacite of the Forager
Atmacite of the Shrewd
Atmacite of the Slayer
Atmacite of the Tropics
Atmacite of the Valiant
Atmacite of Unity
Avatar Phantom Gem
Azure Abyssite of Lenity
Bastok Trust Permit
Battle Trophy: 1st Echelon
Battle Trophy: 2nd Echelon
Battle Trophy: 3rd Echelon
Battle Trophy: 4th Echelon
Battle Trophy: 5th Echelon
Beguiling Petrifact
''black Fish of the Family''
Boarding Permit
Booming Naakual Paragon
Brand of Dawn
Brand of Twilight
Bronze Mattock Cordon
Bronze Ribbon of Service ∮
Bronze Shovel Cordon
Brunhilde's Feather
Bundle of Half-Inscribed Scrolls
Calor Resilience
Captain Wildcat Badge
''card Jailer Teodor''
Celadon Yantric Planchette
Celennia Memorial Library Card
Celestial Nexus Phantom Gem
Cerulean Crystal
Champion Phantom Gem
Cheer: Lamb
Chipped Sandworm Tooth
Chocobo License
Clairvoy Ant
Clever Scholar's Shard
Clever Scholar's Soul
Clump of Animal Hair
Compass of Transference
Consummate Simulacrum
Courageous Warrior's Soul
Crest of Davoi
Crimson Stratum Abyssite Iv
Dawn Phantom Gem
Deed Token
Deed Token +1: Chest
Deed Token +1: Legs
Deed Token +2: Chest
Deed Token +2: Feet
Deed Token +2: Hands
Deed Token +2: Head
Deed Token +2: Legs
Dem Gate Crystal
Denary Nazar
''designer Farming''
Dhokmak's Blood Sigil
Dimensional Compass
Distended Chigoe Abdomen
Distinguished Bard's Shard
Distinguished Bard's Soul
Distorted Fragment
Divine Phantom Gem
''dredging's No Drudgery''
Dull Ra'kaznarian Plate
Dusky Periapt of Adaptability
Dusky Periapt of Catalysis
Dusky Periapt of Concentration
Dusky Periapt of Concord
Dusky Periapt of Focus
Dusky Periapt of Frontiers
Dusky Periapt of Glory
Dusky Periapt of Intensity
Dusky Periapt of Readiness
Dusky Periapt of Vigilance
Dynamis - Buburimu Sliver
Dynamis - Qufim Sliver
Dynamis - Tavnazia Sliver
Dynamis - Valkurm Sliver
Empty Hourglass
''encyclopedia Icthyonnica''
Eschan Cellar
Eschan Nef
Eschan Urn
F.A.I.L. Badge
Fabricated Ward of Ashen Wings
Fabricated Ward of Biting Winds
Fabricated Ward of Impurity
Fabricated Ward of Miasma
Fabricated Ward of the False King
Feared One Phantom Gem
''fields and Fertilizing''
Firebrand Naakual Paragon
Flashfrost Naakual Paragon
Fu’S Bead
Galka Mask of Light
Gerhilde's Feather
''give My Regards To Reodoan''
Glittering Pixie Choker
Golden Shovel Cordon
Gps Crystal
''grandiloquent Groves''
Habitual Behavior Barometer
Head Wind Phantom Gem
Heart of the Bushin
Heroic Dragoon's Shard
Heroic Dragoon's Soul
Holla Gate Crystal
''homesteader's Compendium''
Hyacinth Stratum Abyssite Ii
Hydra Corps Battle Standard
Hydra Corps Command Scepter
Hydra Corps Eyeglass
Hydra Corps Insignia
Hydra Corps Lantern
Hydra Corps Tactical Map
Imperial Army I.D. Tag
Impure Alizarin Yggzi
Impure Aster Yggzi
Impure Celadon Yggzi
Impure Phlox Yggzi
Impure Russet Yggzi
Impure Zaffre Yggzi
Indigo Abyssite of Merit
Indigo Stratum Abyssite Iv
Information On Mboze
Information On Ongo
Inky Black Yagudo Feather
Insulator Tablet
Iron Eater's Pearlsack
Ivory Abyssite of Acumen
Ivory Abyssite of Avarice
Ivory Abyssite of Destiny
Ivory Abyssite of Fortune
Ivory Abyssite of Guerdon
Ivory Abyssite of Kismet
Ivory Abyssite of Perspicacity
Ivory Abyssite of Prosperity
Ivory Abyssite of the Reaper
Ivory Wing Talisman
Jade Abyssite of Expertise
Jade Stratum Abyssite Iv
Job Breaker
Job Gesture: Bard
Job Gesture: Black Mage
Job Gesture: Corsair
Job Gesture: Dancer
Job Gesture: Dragoon
Job Gesture: Geomancer
Job Gesture: Monk
Job Gesture: Ninja
Job Gesture: Red Mage
Job Gesture: Rune Fencer
Job Gesture: Samurai
Job Gesture: Scholar
Job Gesture: Summoner
Job Gesture: Thief
Job Gesture: Warrior
Job Gesture: White Mage
Jugner Gate Crystal
Kei’S Bead
Kin’S Bead
Kupofried's Corundum
Lamb Memento
Learned Summoner's Shard
Learned Summoner's Soul
Legacy Phantom Gem
Lerene's Paten
Ligneous Naakual Paragon
Limit Breaker
Lunar Abyssite
Macabre Simulacrum
Maddening Petrifact
Magian Trial Log
Magma Mitigation Set
Maiden Phantom Gem
Manaclipper Multi-Ticket
Map of Abyssea - Misareaux
Map of Abyssea - Uleguerand
Margret's Imposter's Cipher
Margret's Imposter's Cipher Redux
Mark of the Einherjar
Master Breaker
Matriarch Naakual Paragon
Megomak's Shopping List
Memorian, the Magicked Doll
Memory Gem
Meriphataud Gate Crystal
Message From Yoyoroon
''mhmu Treatise On Agronomy''
''mhmu Treatise On Fish I''
''mhmu Treatise On Fish Ii''
''mhmu Treatise On Forestry''
''mhmu Treatise On Minerals''
Military Scrip
Mnejing's Receiver
Moghancement: Bounty
Moonlit Path Phantom Gem
''my First Furrow''
Mystical Canteen
''mythril Marathon Quarterly''
Neutral Periapt of Frontiers
Nonary Nazar
Octonary Nazar
Ortlinde's Feather
P. Perpetrator Phantom Gem
Pair of Fuzzy Earmuffs
Pair of Velkk Gloves
Paresis Resilience
Peppe-Aleppe's Superlative Tonic
Periapt of Clarity
Periapt of Emergence
Periapt of Guidance
Periapt of Percipience
Periapt of Recompense
Periapt of Sapience
Phantom Gem of Apathy
Phantom Gem of Arrogance
Phantom Gem of Cowardice
Phantom Gem of Envy
Phantom Gem of Rage
Phlox Yantric Planchette
Phoenix's Blessing
Pioneer's Badge
Primer On Martial Techniques
Prismatic Fragment
Prismatic Hourglass
Prototype Attuner
Pso'xja Pass
Puppet In Peril Phantom Gem
Pure White Feather
Rainbow Resonator
Reive Unity
Reliquiarium Key
Restrainment Resilience
Resurrection Retardant Axe
''rhapsody In Azure''
''rhapsody In Crimson''
''rhapsody In Emerald''
''rhapsody In Fuchsia''
''rhapsody In Mauve''
''rhapsody In Ochre''
''rhapsody In Puce''
''rhapsody In Umber''
''rhapsody In White''
Ring of Supernal Disjunction
Riptide Naakual Paragon
Rosulatia's Pome
Runic Disc
Runic Key
Ruspix's Plate
Russet Yantric Planchette
Rusted Hound Collar
Sajj'aka's Protective Ward
''sakura and the Cactus Corps''
''sakura and the Fountain''
''sakura and the Holy Grail''
''sakura and the Magic Spoon''
''sakura and the Magicked Net''
''sakura's Excellent Adventure''
San D'oria Trust Permit
Sapphire Abyssite of Fortune
Sapphire Abyssite of Furtherance
Savage's Phantom Gem
''scintillating Rhapsody''
Seductive Petrifact
Semi-Pure Alizarin Yggzi
Semi-Pure Aster Yggzi
Semi-Pure Celadon Yggzi
Semi-Pure Phlox Yggzi
Semi-Pure Russet Yggzi
Semi-Pure Zaffre Yggzi
Septenary Nazar
Sepulcher Ensign
Shadow Lord Phantom Gem
Shaft Gate Operating Dial
Shard of Apathy
Shard of Arrogance
Shard of Cowardice
Shard of Envy
Shard of Rage
Sheet of Destiny Destroyer Tunes
Shimmering Invitation
Silver Bell
Silver Knife Membership Card
Silver Mattock Cordon
Silver Shovel Cordon
Silvery Plate
Song of Hope
Starlight Voidwatcher's Emblem
Stellar Fulcrum Phantom Gem
Stygian Pact Phantom Gem
''susuroon's Biiig Catch''
Synergy Crucible
''take A Lode off''
''tales From the Tunnel''
Tear of Altana
Tenshodo Member's Card
Teodor's Blood Sigil
''the Gusgen Mines Tragedy''
''the Old Men of the Sea''
Tonberry Key
Toxin Resilience
Trainer's Whistle
Traverser Stone
Treatise On Martial Techniques
Tricolor Voidwatcher's Emblem
Unparalleled Corsair's Shard
Unparalleled Corsair's Soul
Uran-Mafran's Orb
''varicose Mineral Veins''
Velkk Fetish
''verdant and Verdon'ts''
Vial of Chaos's Blood
Vial of Shrouded Sand
Vivid Periapt of Adaptability
Vivid Periapt of Catalysis
Vivid Periapt of Concentration
Vivid Periapt of Concord
Vivid Periapt of Exploration
Vivid Periapt of Focus
Vivid Periapt of Frontiers
Vivid Periapt of Glory
Vivid Periapt of Intensity
Vivid Periapt of Readiness
Vivid Periapt of Vigilance
Voidwatcher's Emblem: Jeuno
Voidwatcher's Emblem: Qufim
Waking Dreams Phantom Gem
Warped Iron Giant Nail
Warrior's Path Phantom Gem
''water, Water Everywhere!''
White Stratum Abyssite Vi
Windurst Trust Permit
Wyrm God Phantom Gem
Yagudo Torch
Ygnas's Insignia
Ygnas's Leaf
Zaffre Yantric Planchette
Nyzul Tokens: 6643
Therion Ichor: 160
Cruor: 29943628
Voidstones: 81
Traverser Stones: 1698
A.M.A.N. Vouchers Stored: 28
Zeni: 0
Guild Points (Fishing): 0
Guild Points (Woodworking): 0
Guild Points (Smithing): 0
Guild Points (Goldsmithing): 0
Guild Points (Weaving): 0
Guild Points (Leathercraft): 0
Guild Points (Bonecraft): 0
Guild Points (Alchemy): 0
Guild Points (Cooking): 0
Assault Points (Leujaoam Sanctum): 11642
Assault Points (M.J.T.G.): 17943
Assault Points (Lebros Cavern): 19812
Assault Points (Periqia): 19295
Assault Points (Ilrusi Atoll): 19087
Beastman Seals (stored): 1776
Kindred Seals (stored): 26
Kindred Crests (stored): 380
High Kindred Crests (stored): 2138
Sacred Kindred Crests (stored): 4205
Bayld: 926840
Mweya Plasm Corpuscles: 95625
Escha Silt: 7784214
Escha Beads: 41191
Potpourri: 145472
Domain Points: 1420
Mog Segments: 1085
Gallimaufry: 165476
Job Points
Trusts (93)
Lhe Lhangavo
Nashmeira II
Nanaa Mihgo
Mihli Aliapoh
Iron Eater
King of Hearts
Lilisette II
D. Shantotto
Kuyin Hathdenna
Tenzen II
Star Sibyl
Lhu Mhakaracca
Naja Salaheem
Ferreous Coffin
Lion II
Arciela II
Lehko Habhoka
Zeid II
Iroha II
Uka Totlihn
Apururu (UC)
Prishe II
Shantotto II
Semih Lafihna
Coalition Ranks
Pioneer Legend
Courier Legend
Inventor Legend
Mummer Legend
Peacekeeper Legend
Scout Legend
Escha Vorseal
HP/MP+ 9
Acc/R.Acc/Eva+ 9
Def+ 9
Atk/R.Atk+ 8
M.Acc/M.Eva+ 8
M.Def+ 8
M.Atk+ 3
Occ. Nullifies Damage 3
Killer Effects+ 3
Damage Taken 3
Spoils+ 11
Rare Enemy+ 11
Luck+ 10
Regen+ 2
Refresh+ 2
Accuracy++ 3
tldr Great Model hume female with a full REMA Rank 15 Bard. ML50. Full empy+3. TP bonus dagger, Naegling. Corsair with R15 Death Penality Fomal, 2x Rostam. TP Bonus Gun. Reforged+3. Decked ML50 SCH with Musa, su5+2 full Enh duration and empy+3. +3 Warrior, Nyame all at rank 25. 6/6 Legend coalitions, Ready to make an Idris or Epeo. Over 20 pieces of Unity+1 r15. 8/5 Malignance. C. Palug including Crown. Nicely built Summoner Monberaux/Ygnas +93 trusts
Bid Start $800 Buyout $950
Paypal if rep allows, WU, Moneygram, Crypto, CashApp, Zelle.
Server Xfer is Available
Mercenary Rank: Mercenary Captain! Ready to create mythics!
San d'Oria Rank: Complete!
Bastok Rank: Rank 6
Rise of the Zilart: Complete!
Chains of Promathia: Complete!
Treasures of Aht Urhgan: Complete!
Wings of the Goddess: Complete!
Addon: A Crystalline Prophecy: The Echo Awakens
Addon: A Moogle Kupo d'Etat: Drenched! It Began with a Raindrop
Addon: A Shantotto Ascension: That Which Curdles Blood
Abyssea: Complete!
Seekers of Adoulin: Complete!
Completed Unique Coalitions (Adoulin): 90
Rhapsodies of Vana'diel: Complete!

Value in misc. 500k+ in sellables
Carnwenhan AFTERGLOW 119 AG (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Daurdabla 99
Death Penalty AFTERGLOW 119 AG (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Fomalhaut i119 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Gjallarhorn 99
Marsyas 99
Sortie Empyrean +2/+3 JSE Earring
Amini Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+11, Mag. Acc.+11, Crit.Hit Rate+3)
Arbatel Bonnet +3 i119
Arbatel Bracers +3 i119
Arbatel Earring 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Mag. Acc.+7)
Arbatel Gown +3 i119
Arbatel Loafers +3 i119
Arbatel Pants +3 i119
Beck. Bracers +3 i119
Beck. Doublet +3 i119
Beck. Earring +2 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Pet: Accuracy+17 Pet: Rng. Acc.+17, Pet: Mag. Acc.+17, Damage Taken-6%, Pet: "Store Tp"+7)
Beck. Pigaches +3 i119
Beck. Spats +3 i119
Beckoner's Horn +3 i119
Bhikku Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+13, Mag. Acc.+13, "Store Tp"+4)
Boii Cuisses +3 i119
Boii Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+11, Mag. Acc.+11, Crit.Hit Rate+3)
Boii Mufflers +3 i119
Chas. Culottes +3 i119
Chas. Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+13, Mag. Acc.+13, Crit.Hit Rate+4)
Chass. Bottes +3 i119
Chass. Tricorne +3 i119
Chasseur's Frac +3 i119
Chasseur's Gants +3 i119
Chev. Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+11, Mag. Acc.+11, Damage Taken-3%)
Earp i119
Ebers Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+12, Mag. Acc.+12, Damage Taken-4%)
Erilaz Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+12, Mag. Acc.+12, Damage Taken-4%)
Fili Calot +3 i119
Fili Cothurnes +3 i119
Fili Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+13, Mag. Acc.+13, Damage Taken-4%)
Fili Hongreline +3 i119
Fili Manchettes +3 i119
Fili Rhingrave +3 i119
Hashi. Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+11, Mag. Acc.+11, "Dbl.Atk."+3)
Hattori Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+11, Mag. Acc.+11, "Store Tp"+3)
Heath. Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+14, Mag. Acc.+14, Weapon Skill Damage +3%)
(12) Hexahedrite
Kara. Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+14, Mag. Acc.+14, "Store Tp"+5)
Kasuga Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+11, Mag. Acc.+11, Weapon Skill Damage +2%)
Leth. Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+14, Mag. Acc.+14, "Dbl.Atk."+5)
Macu. Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+15, Mag. Acc.+15, "Store Tp"+5)
Nukumi Earring +2 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+18, Mag. Acc.+18, Pet: "Dbl. Atk."+9, Str+11 Chr+11)
(54) Octahedrite
Pel. Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+12, Mag. Acc.+12, Crit.Hit Rate+4)
Pel. Vambraces +3 i119
Pelt. Cuissots +3 i119
Peltast's Mezail +3 i119
(59) Ra'kaz. Sapphire
(24) Ra'kaz. Starstone
Skulk. Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Accuracy+13, Mag. Acc.+13, "Store Tp"+4)
(30) Voracious Psyche
Wicce Earring +1 99 (System: 1 Id: 1676 Val: 0, Mag. Acc.+12, Enmity-2)
Acrontica i119
Agwu's Axe i119
Agwu's Cap i119
Agwu's Claymore i119
Agwu's Gages i119 (Path: A, Rank: 5)
Agwu's Pigaches i119
Agwu's Robe i119
Agwu's Scythe i119
Agwu's Slops i119
Beithir Ring 99
Bunzi's Chopper i119
Bunzi's Gloves i119
Bunzi's Hat i119
Bunzi's Pants i119
Bunzi's Robe i119
Bunzi's Rod i119
Bunzi's Sabots i119
Coiste Bodhar 99 (Path: A, Rank: 24)
Epitaph i119 (Path: A, Rank: 21)
Gekkei i119
Gleti's Boots i119
Gleti's Breeches i119
Gleti's Crossbow i119
Gleti's Cuirass i119
Gleti's Gauntlets i119
Gleti's Knife i119
Gleti's Mask i119
Hesperiidae 99
Ikenga's Axe i119
Ikenga's Clogs i119
Ikenga's Gloves i119
Ikenga's Hat i119
Ikenga's Lance i119
Ikenga's Trousers i119
Ikenga's Vest i119
Information On Arebati
Information On Aristaeus
Information On Bumba
Information On Dealan-Dhe
Information On Gigelorum
Information On Gogmagog
Information On Henwen
Information On Kalunga
Information On Marmorkrebs
Information On Ngai
Information On Procne
Information On Raskovniche
Information On Sgili
Information On U Bnai
Information On Xevioso
Kunimitsu i119
Mpaca's Boots i119
Mpaca's Bow i119
Mpaca's Cap i119
Mpaca's Doublet i119
Mpaca's Gloves i119
Mpaca's Hose i119
Mpaca's Staff i119
Neo Animator i119
Nyame Flanchard i119 (Path: B, Rank: 25)
Nyame Gauntlets i119 (Path: B, Rank: 25)
Nyame Helm i119 (Path: B, Rank: 25)
Nyame Mail i119 (Path: B, Rank: 25)
Nyame Sollerets i119 (Path: B, Rank: 25)
Obstin. Sash 99 (Path: A, Rank: 8)
Sakpata's Cuisses i119
Sakpata's Fists i119
Sakpata's Gauntlets i119
Sakpata's Helm i119
Sakpata's Leggings i119 (Path: A, Rank: 4)
Sakpata's Plate i119
Sakpata's Sword i119
Schere Earring 99 (Path: A, Rank: 10)
Tellen Belt 99
Tsuru i119
Su5+1/2 Weapons Necks Volte
Argute Stole +2 99 (Path: A, Rank: 25)
Bard's Charm +2 99 (Path: A, Rank: 25)
Clr. Torque +2 99 (Path: A, Rank: 14)
Comm. Charm +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 9)
Comm. Charm +2 99 (Path: A, Rank: 25)
Musa i119 (Path: C, Rank: 25)
(2) Rostam i119 (Path: A, Rank: 9)
(2) Rostam i119 (Path: C, Rank: 25)
Smn. Collar +2 99 (Path: A, Rank: 25)
War. Beads +2 99 (Path: A, Rank: 25)
119 Relic +2/+3
Bihu Cannions +3 i119 (Enhances "Soul Voice" Effect)
Bihu Cuffs +3 i119 (Enhances "Con Brio" Effect)
Bihu Jstcorps. +3 i119 (Enhances "Troubadour" Effect)
Bihu Roundlet +3 i119 (Enhances "Con Anima" Effect)
Bihu Slippers +3 i119 (Enhances "Nightingale" Effect)
Convo. Bracers +2 i119
Convo. Pigaches +2 i119
Laksa. Gants +3 i119
Lanun Bottes +3 i119 (Enhances "Wild Card" Effect)
Lanun Frac +3 i119 (Enhances "Loaded Deck" Effect)
Lanun Gants +3 i119 (Enhances "Fold" Effect)
Lanun Trews +3 i119 (Enhances "Snake Eye" Effect)
Lanun Tricorne +3 i119 (Enhances "Winning Streak" Effect)
Peda. Bracers +3 i119 (Enh. "Tranquility" and "Equanimity")
Peda. Gown +3 i119 (Enhances "Enlightenment" Effect)
Peda. Loafers +3 i119 (Enhances "Stormsurge" Effect)
Peda. M.Board +3 i119 (Enh. "Altruism" and "Focalization")
Peda. Pants +3 i119 (Enhances "Tabula Rasa" Effect)
Ptero. Brais +3 i119 (Enhances "Strafe" Effect)
Ptero. Fin. G. +3 i119 (Enhances "Angon" Effect)
Ptero. Greaves +3 i119 (Enhances "Empathy" Effect)
Ptero. Mail +3 i119 (Enhances "Spirit Surge" Effect)
119 Artifact +2/+3
Acad. Bracers +3 i119
Acad. Gown +3 i119
Acad. Loafers +3 i119
Acad. Mortar. +3 i119
Acad. Pants +3 i119
Brioso Cannions +3 i119
Brioso Cuffs +3 i119
Brioso Justau. +3 i119
Brioso Roundlet +3 i119
Brioso Slippers +3 i119
Con. Doublet +2 i119
Convo. Spats +2 i119
Convoker's Horn +2 i119
Laksa. Bottes +3 i119
Laksa. Frac +3 i119
Laksa. Trews +3 i119
Laksa. Tricorne +3 i119
theophany Mitts +2 i119
Vishap Brais +3 i119
Adad Amulet 99
Adapa Shield i119
Ammurapi Shield i119
Anu Torque 99
Ashera Harness i119
Dingir Ring 99
Enki Strap 99
Enmerkar Earring 99
Erra Pendant 99
Ilabrat Ring 99
Iskur Gorget 99
Kishar Ring 99
Knobkierrie 99
Lugalbanda Earring 99
Niqmaddu Ring 99
Nusku Shield i119
P. Blu Card
(9) P. Brd Card
(4) P. Cor Card
P. Dnc Card
P. Drg Card
(7) P. Sch Card
(202) P. Smn Card
P. Thf Card
(6) P. Whm Card
Regal Belt 99
Regal Necklace 99
Sherida Earring 99
Shulmanu Collar 99
Udug Jacket i119
Utu Grip 99
Escha Zi'Tah/Ru'Aun/Reisenjima
Apate Ring 99
Baetyl Pendant 99
Clotharius Torque 99
Compensator i119 (Dmg:+15, Agi+15, Rng.Acc.+15)
Eabani Earring 99
Espiritus i119 (Summoning Magic Skill +15, Pet: Mag. Acc.+30, Pet: Damage Taken -4%)
Evanescence Ring 99
Gada i119 (Enh. Mag. Eff. Dur. +5, Mnd+1, Mag. Acc.+19, Dmg:+7)
Genmei Earring 99
Genmei Shield i119
Gishdubar Sash 99
Gyve Trousers i119
Infused Earring 99
Inspirited Boots i119
Ipoca Beret i119
Kali i119 (Mag. Acc.+15, String Instrument Skill +10, Wind Instrument Skill +10)
Lissome Necklace 99
Lucidity Sash 99
Mendi. Earring 99
Molybdosis i119
Nodens Gorget 99
Pemphredo Tathlum 99
Petrov Ring 99
Purity Ring 99
Queller Rod i119 (Healing Magic Skill +15, "Cure" Potency +10%, "Cure" Spellcasting Time -7%)
Reiki Yotai 99
Rufescent Ring 99
Sanctity Necklace 99
Sangoma i119
Sapience Orb 99
Sayadio's Kaftan i119
Telos Earring 99
thereoid Greaves i119
Vanya Clogs i119 (Healing Magic Skill +20, "Cure" Spellcasting Time -7%, Magic Dmg. Taken -3)
Vedic Coat i119
Yemaya Belt 99
119 Abjuration Gear
Adhemar Bonnet +1 i119 (Dex+12, Agi+12, Accuracy+20)
Adhemar Jacket +1 i119 (Dex+12, Agi+12, Accuracy+20)
Adhemar Kecks +1 i119 (Agi+12, Rng.Acc.+20, Rng.Atk.+20)
Adhemar Wrist. +1 i119 (Dex+12, Agi+12, Accuracy+20)
Carmine Cuisses +1 i119 (Hp+80, Str+12, Int+12)
Kaykaus Bliaut +1 i119 (Mp+80, "Cure" Potency +6%, "Conserve Mp"+7)
Kaykaus Boots +1 i119 (Mag. Acc.+20, "Cure" Potency +6%, "Fast Cast"+4)
Kaykaus Cuffs +1 i119 (Mp+80, "Conserve Mp"+7, "Fast Cast"+4)
Kaykaus Mitra +1 i119 (Mp+80, Mnd+12, Mag. Acc.+20)
Kaykaus Tights +1 i119 (Mp+80, Mnd+12, Mag. Acc.+20)
(6) A. Voucher: Back
(6) A. Voucher: Weapon
(2) Alaunus's Cape 99 (Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20, "Fast Cast"+10)
(2) Alaunus's Cape 99 (Mnd+20, Eva.+20 /Mag. Eva.+20, Mnd+10, "Cure" Potency +10%, Damage Taken-5%)
Aya. Cosciales +2 i119
Aya. Gambieras +2 i119
Aya. Manopolas +2 i119
Aya. Zucchetto +2 i119
Ayanmo Corazza +2 i119
Ayanmo Ring 99
(3) Brigantia's Mantle 99 (Str+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Weapon Skill Damage +10%)
(3) Brigantia's Mantle 99 (Dex+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, "Dbl.Atk."+10)
(3) Brigantia's Mantle 99 (Str+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Crit.Hit Rate+10)
(2) Campestres's Cape 99 (Pet: Acc.+20 Pet: R.Acc.+20 Pet: Atk.+20 Pet: R.Atk.+20, Eva.+20 /Mag. Eva.+20, Enmity-10, Damage Taken-5%)
(2) Campestres's Cape 99 (Mnd+20, Eva.+20 /Mag. Eva.+20, Mag. Evasion+10, Pet: "Regen"+10, Damage Taken-5%)
(6) Camulus's Mantle 99 (Agi+20, Rng.Acc.+20 Rng.Atk.+20, Rng.Acc.+10, Crit.Hit Rate+10, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(6) Camulus's Mantle 99 (Int+20, Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20, Int+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(6) Camulus's Mantle 99 (Agi+20, Rng.Acc.+20 Rng.Atk.+20, Agi+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(6) Camulus's Mantle 99 (Str+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Str+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(6) Camulus's Mantle 99 (Agi+20, Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20, Agi+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(6) Camulus's Mantle 99 (Dex+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Dex+10, "Store Tp"+10, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(2) Cichol's Mantle 99 (Str+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Str+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Damage Taken-5%)
(2) Cichol's Mantle 99 (Dex+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Dex+10, "Dbl.Atk."+10, Damage Taken-5%)
Flam. Gambieras +2 i119
Flam. Manopolas +2 i119
Flam. Zucchetto +2 i119
Flamma Dirs +2 i119
Flamma Korazin +2 i119
Flamma Ring 99
Hiza. Hizayoroi +2 i119
Hiza. Somen +2 i119
Hizamaru Ring 99
(6) Intarabus's Cape 99 (Str+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Str+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(6) Intarabus's Cape 99 (Dex+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Dex+10, "Store Tp"+10, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(6) Intarabus's Cape 99 (Chr+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Chr+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(6) Intarabus's Cape 99 (Dex+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Dex+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(6) Intarabus's Cape 99 (Int+20, Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20, Int+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(6) Intarabus's Cape 99 (Chr+20, Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20, Chr+10, Enmity-10, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
Inyan. Crackows +2 i119
Inyan. Dastanas +2 i119
Inyanga Jubbah +2 i119
Inyanga Ring 99
Inyanga Shalwar +2 i119
Inyanga Tiara +2 i119
Jhakri Coronal +2 i119
Jhakri Cuffs +2 i119
Jhakri Pigaches +2 i119
Jhakri Ring 99
Jhakri Robe +2 i119
Jhakri Slops +2 i119
Khonsu 99
(5) Lugh's Cape 99 (Int+20, Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20, Int+10, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+10, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(5) Lugh's Cape 99 (Mnd+20, Eva.+20 /Mag. Eva.+20, Mag. Evasion+10, Enmity-10, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(5) Lugh's Cape 99 (Dex+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Accuracy+10, "Store Tp"+10, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(5) Lugh's Cape 99 (Int+20, Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20, Int+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
(5) Lugh's Cape 99 (Str+20, Accuracy+20 Attack+20, Str+10, Weapon Skill Damage +10%, Phys. Dmg. Taken-10%)
Mall. Chapeau +2 i119
Mallquis Clogs +2 i119
Mallquis Cuffs +2 i119
Mallquis Ring 99
Mallquis Saio +2 i119
Mallquis Trews +2 i119
Maxentius i119
Meg. Chausses +2 i119
Meg. Cuirie +2 i119
Meg. Gloves +2 i119
Meg. Jam. +2 i119
Meghanada Ring 99
Meghanada Visor +2 i119
Mummu Bonnet +2 i119
Mummu Gamash. +2 i119
Mummu Jacket +2 i119
Mummu Kecks +2 i119
Mummu Ring 99
Mummu Wrists +2 i119
Naegling i119
Shining One i119
Sulev. Cuisses +2 i119
Sulev. Gauntlets +2 i119
Sulev. Leggings +2 i119
Sulevia's Mask +2 i119
Sulevia's Plate. +2 i119
Sulevia's Ring 99
Tali'ah Crackows +2 i119
Tali'ah Gages +2 i119
Tali'ah Manteel +2 i119
Tali'ah Ring 99
Tali'ah Sera. +2 i119
Tali'ah Turban +2 i119
Tauret i119
Xoanon i119
Reforged Artifact/Relic/Emp
Agoge Calligae +1 i119 (Enhances "Tomahawk" Effect)
Agoge Mask +1 i119 (Enhances "Savagery" Effect)
Agoge Mufflers +1 i119 (Enhances "Mighty Strikes" Effect)
Ebers Bliaut +1 i119
Ebers Cap 109
Ebers Mitts 109
Ebers Pant. +1 i119
Hiza. Haramaki +2 i119
Hiza. Sune-Ate +2 i119
Hizamaru Kote +2 i119
Piety Pantaloons 109 (Enhances "Afflatus Misery" Effect)
theo. Duckbills 109
theo. Pantaloons 109
Domain Invasion
Embla Sash 99
Gersemi Earring 99
Ilmr Earring 99
Lodurr Earring 99
Mani Earring 99
Meili Earring 99
Mimir Earring 99
Odr Earring 99
Thrud Earring 99
Voluspa Knife i119
Vor Earring 99
Sinnister Reign
Befouled Crown i119
Count's Garb i119
Divinity i119 (Attack+10, Accuracy+10, Phys. Dmg. Taken -3%, Dmg:+15)
Enervating Earring 99
Etiolation Earring 99
Founder's Hose i119 (Mnd+10, Mag. Acc.+15, Attack+15, Breath Dmg. Taken -5%)
Incarnation Sash 99
Ishvara Earring 99
Leyline Gloves i119 (Accuracy+15, Mag. Acc.+15, "Mag.Atk.Bns."+15, "Fast Cast"+3)
Rumination Sash 99
Terminal Helm i119
Terminal Plate i119
Vengeful Ring 99
Acuity Belt +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Assid. Pants +1 i119
Asteria Mitts +1 i119 (Path: A, Rank: 7)
Blistering Sallet +1 i119 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Demers. Degen +1 i119 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Fi Follet Cape +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Gazu Bracelets +1 i119 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Ghastly Tathlum +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Kentarch Belt +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Kustawi +1 i119 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Lamassu Mitts +1 i119 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Loricate Torque 99
Loxotic Mace +1 i119 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Marin Staff +1 i119 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Mephitas's Ring +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Metamor. Ring +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Odnowa Earring +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Regal Pumps +1 i119
Sailfi Belt +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Shinjutsu-No-Obi +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Ternion Dagger +1 i119 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Unmoving Collar +1 99
Vim Torque +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 15)
Warder's Charm +1 99 (Path: A, Rank: 2)
Other Noteable R/EX
(2) A. Voucher: Replica
Apkallu Scepter
Archon Cape 90
Archon Ring 90
Ataktos 99 (Delay:+60, Tp Bonus +1000)
Barkaro. Earring 99
Battlecast Gaiters i119
Borealis 99
Brutal Earring 75
C. Palug Crown i119
C. Palug Earring 99
C. Palug Ring 99
C. Palug Stone 99
Centovente 99 (Tp Bonus +1000)
Cessance Earring 99
Cornelia's Belt 99
Cornelia's Ring 99
Crematio Earring 99
Culminus i119
Daybreak i119
Defending Ring 70
Elite Royal Collar 99
Emporox's Ring 99
Epona's Ring 89
Erudit. Necklace 99
Evoker's Ring 71
Fermion Sword
Fotia Belt 87
Fotia Gorget 72
Freke Ring 99
Fucho-No-Obi 99
Geirrothr i119
Gelos Earring 99
Gere Ring 99
Ginsen 99
Girru 99
Glorious Earring 99
Gridarvor i119 (Pet: Accuracy+70, Pet: Attack+70, Pet: "Dbl. Atk."+15)
Hachirin-No-Obi 71
Hecate's Earring 90
Hieros Mittens 99
Hjarrandi Breast. i119
Hjarrandi Helm i119
Homiliary 99
Incanter's Torque 99
Jann. Ring +1 99
Liv. Bul. Pouch 99
Loquac. Earring 75
Luzaf's Ring 40
Malignance Boots i119
Malignance Chapeau i119
Malignance Earring 99
Malignance Gloves i119
Malignance Pole i119
Malignance Sword i119
Malignance Tabard i119
Malignance Tights i119
Manasa Chasuble 99
Mizu. Kubikazari 99
Mollfrith 99
Moonshade Earring 90 ("Mag.Atk.Bns."+4, Tp Bonus +250)
Orunmila's Torque 99
Oshasha's Treatise 99
Per. Lucky Egg 99
Plat. Mog. Belt 99
Rajas Ring 30
Rep. Plat. Medal 99
Sacro Breastplate i119
Sacro Bulwark i119
Sacro Cord 99
Sacro Gorget 99
Sacro Mantle 99
Sanare Earring 99
Seidr Cotehardie 99
Shadow Mantle 75
Shadow Ring 75
Shedir Seraweels 99
Shuhansadamune i119
Sibyl Scarf 99
Siegel Sash 90
Storage Slip 29
Storage Slip 30
Suppanomimi 72
Tengu Shawl
Twilight Cloak 90
Ukko Sash 99
Voltsurge Torque 99
Zantetsuken i119
Zantetsuken X i119
andoaa Earring 99
Animikii Bullet 115
Bolelabunga i119
Bookworm's Cape 99 (Int+4, Mnd+2, Helix Eff. Dur. +13, "Regen" Potency+10)
Chaac Belt 99
Conveyance Cape 99 (Summoning Magic Skill +2, Pet: Enmity+11, Blood Pact Dmg.+1, Blood Pact Ab. Del. Ii -3)
Gunslinger's Cape 99
Gwati Earring 99
Isa Belt 99
(5) Linos 99 (Accuracy+14 Attack+14, Weapon Skill Damage +3%, Str+8)
(5) Linos 99 ("Mag.Atk.Bns."+15, Weapon Skill Damage +3%, Int+8)
(5) Linos 99 (Attack+15, Weapon Skill Damage +3%, Dex+8)
(5) Linos 99 (Accuracy+20, "Store Tp"+4, Quadruple Attack +3)
(5) Linos 99 (Accuracy+14 Attack+14, Weapon Skill Damage +3%, Chr+8)
Lutian Cape 99
Telchine Braconi i119 (Mag. Evasion+17, "Conserve Mp"+5, Enh. Mag. Eff. Dur. +10)
Telchine Cap i119 (Mag. Evasion+16, "Conserve Mp"+5, Enh. Mag. Eff. Dur. +10)
Telchine Chas. i119 (Mag. Evasion+25, "Conserve Mp"+5, Enh. Mag. Eff. Dur. +10)
Telchine Gloves i119 (Mag. Evasion+16, "Conserve Mp"+5, Enh. Mag. Eff. Dur. +10)
Telchine Pigaches i119 (Mag. Evasion+20, "Conserve Mp"+5, Enh. Mag. Eff. Dur. +10)
Updraft Mantle 99
Midras's Helm +1
Base Artifact/Relic/Emp
Charis Tiara 85
Charis Tights 83
Sylvan Bottillons 81
(10) Abdhaljs Anima
(120) Abdhaljs Dust
(10) Abdhaljs Gem
(10) Abdhaljs Matter
(6) Abdhaljs Needle
(10) Abdhaljs Nugget
(30) Abdhaljs Resin
(60) Abdhaljs Sap
Abdhaljs Seal
(120) Abdhaljs Thread
(3) Colorless Soul
Dragua's Scale
(36) Fu's Scale
(25) Gin's Scale
(2) Iron Plate
(40) Kei's Scale
(29) Kin's Scale
Kupon A-Lum
(3) Kupon I-Aby
Kupon I-Seal
(15) Kyou's Scale
Mog Pell (Red)
(2) Orthrus's Claw
(2) Sedna's Tusk
(51) Sp Gobbie Key
Storage Slip 28
Storage Slip 31
Key Items
Bomb Companion
Coeurl Companion
Crab Companion
Golden Bomb Companion
Magic Pot Companion
Morbol Companion
Raptor Companion
Red Crab Companion
Sheep Companion
Spheroid Companion
Tiger Companion
Tulfaire Companion
Wivre Companion
''20,000 Yalms Under the Sea''
''a Farewell To Freshwater''
Abyssite of Discernment
Abyssite of the Cosmos
Adoulinian Charter Permit
''adoulin's Topiary Treasures''
Adventurer's Certificate
Aged Booming Naakual Crest
Aged Firebrand Naakual Crest
Aged Flashfrost Naakual Crest
Aged Ligneous Naakual Crest
Aged Matriarch Naakual Crest
Aged Riptide Naakual Crest
Aged Undying Naakual Crest
Airship Pass
Algor Resilience
Alizarin Yantric Planchette
''all the Ways To Skin A Carp''
Amber Stratum Abyssite Ii
''anatomy of An Angler''
Anti-Glaciation Gear
''arboreal Abracadabra''
Archducal Audience Permit
Arciela's Skirt
Ashen Stratum Abyssite Iii
Ashrakk's Blood Sigil
Aster Yantric Planchette
Astral Compass
Atma of Allure
Atma of Apparitions
Atma of Calamity
Atma of Gales
Atma of Purgatory
Atma of the Brother Wolf
Atma of the Crimson Scale
Atma of the Gnarled Horn
Atma of the Horned Beast
Atma of the Lone Wolf
Atma of the Merciless Matriarch
Atma of the Minikin Monstrosity
Atma of the Omnipotent
Atma of the Razed Ruins
Atma of the Sanguine Scythe
Atma of the Stormbird
Atma of the Stout Arm
Atma of the Stronghold
Atma of the Voracious Violet
Atmacite of Affinity
Atmacite of Aplomb
Atmacite of Coercion
Atmacite of Curses
Atmacite of Dark Designs
Atmacite of Deluges
Atmacite of Destruction
Atmacite of Devotion
Atmacite of Discipline
Atmacite of Eminence
Atmacite of Enticement
Atmacite of Exhortation
Atmacite of Finesse
Atmacite of Glaciers
Atmacite of Incursion
Atmacite of Latitude
Atmacite of Mysticism
Atmacite of Onslaught
Atmacite of Persistence
Atmacite of Preparedness
Atmacite of Preservation
Atmacite of Rapidity
Atmacite of Skyblaze
Atmacite of Temperance
Atmacite of the Adamant
Atmacite of the Assassin
Atmacite of the Depths
Atmacite of the Forager
Atmacite of the Shrewd
Atmacite of the Slayer
Atmacite of the Tropics
Atmacite of the Valiant
Atmacite of Unity
Avatar Phantom Gem
Azure Abyssite of Lenity
Bastok Trust Permit
Battle Trophy: 1st Echelon
Battle Trophy: 2nd Echelon
Battle Trophy: 3rd Echelon
Battle Trophy: 4th Echelon
Battle Trophy: 5th Echelon
Beguiling Petrifact
''black Fish of the Family''
Boarding Permit
Booming Naakual Paragon
Brand of Dawn
Brand of Twilight
Bronze Mattock Cordon
Bronze Ribbon of Service ∮
Bronze Shovel Cordon
Brunhilde's Feather
Bundle of Half-Inscribed Scrolls
Calor Resilience
Captain Wildcat Badge
''card Jailer Teodor''
Celadon Yantric Planchette
Celennia Memorial Library Card
Celestial Nexus Phantom Gem
Cerulean Crystal
Champion Phantom Gem
Cheer: Lamb
Chipped Sandworm Tooth
Chocobo License
Clairvoy Ant
Clever Scholar's Shard
Clever Scholar's Soul
Clump of Animal Hair
Compass of Transference
Consummate Simulacrum
Courageous Warrior's Soul
Crest of Davoi
Crimson Stratum Abyssite Iv
Dawn Phantom Gem
Deed Token
Deed Token +1: Chest
Deed Token +1: Legs
Deed Token +2: Chest
Deed Token +2: Feet
Deed Token +2: Hands
Deed Token +2: Head
Deed Token +2: Legs
Dem Gate Crystal
Denary Nazar
''designer Farming''
Dhokmak's Blood Sigil
Dimensional Compass
Distended Chigoe Abdomen
Distinguished Bard's Shard
Distinguished Bard's Soul
Distorted Fragment
Divine Phantom Gem
''dredging's No Drudgery''
Dull Ra'kaznarian Plate
Dusky Periapt of Adaptability
Dusky Periapt of Catalysis
Dusky Periapt of Concentration
Dusky Periapt of Concord
Dusky Periapt of Focus
Dusky Periapt of Frontiers
Dusky Periapt of Glory
Dusky Periapt of Intensity
Dusky Periapt of Readiness
Dusky Periapt of Vigilance
Dynamis - Buburimu Sliver
Dynamis - Qufim Sliver
Dynamis - Tavnazia Sliver
Dynamis - Valkurm Sliver
Empty Hourglass
''encyclopedia Icthyonnica''
Eschan Cellar
Eschan Nef
Eschan Urn
F.A.I.L. Badge
Fabricated Ward of Ashen Wings
Fabricated Ward of Biting Winds
Fabricated Ward of Impurity
Fabricated Ward of Miasma
Fabricated Ward of the False King
Feared One Phantom Gem
''fields and Fertilizing''
Firebrand Naakual Paragon
Flashfrost Naakual Paragon
Fu’S Bead
Galka Mask of Light
Gerhilde's Feather
''give My Regards To Reodoan''
Glittering Pixie Choker
Golden Shovel Cordon
Gps Crystal
''grandiloquent Groves''
Habitual Behavior Barometer
Head Wind Phantom Gem
Heart of the Bushin
Heroic Dragoon's Shard
Heroic Dragoon's Soul
Holla Gate Crystal
''homesteader's Compendium''
Hyacinth Stratum Abyssite Ii
Hydra Corps Battle Standard
Hydra Corps Command Scepter
Hydra Corps Eyeglass
Hydra Corps Insignia
Hydra Corps Lantern
Hydra Corps Tactical Map
Imperial Army I.D. Tag
Impure Alizarin Yggzi
Impure Aster Yggzi
Impure Celadon Yggzi
Impure Phlox Yggzi
Impure Russet Yggzi
Impure Zaffre Yggzi
Indigo Abyssite of Merit
Indigo Stratum Abyssite Iv
Information On Mboze
Information On Ongo
Inky Black Yagudo Feather
Insulator Tablet
Iron Eater's Pearlsack
Ivory Abyssite of Acumen
Ivory Abyssite of Avarice
Ivory Abyssite of Destiny
Ivory Abyssite of Fortune
Ivory Abyssite of Guerdon
Ivory Abyssite of Kismet
Ivory Abyssite of Perspicacity
Ivory Abyssite of Prosperity
Ivory Abyssite of the Reaper
Ivory Wing Talisman
Jade Abyssite of Expertise
Jade Stratum Abyssite Iv
Job Breaker
Job Gesture: Bard
Job Gesture: Black Mage
Job Gesture: Corsair
Job Gesture: Dancer
Job Gesture: Dragoon
Job Gesture: Geomancer
Job Gesture: Monk
Job Gesture: Ninja
Job Gesture: Red Mage
Job Gesture: Rune Fencer
Job Gesture: Samurai
Job Gesture: Scholar
Job Gesture: Summoner
Job Gesture: Thief
Job Gesture: Warrior
Job Gesture: White Mage
Jugner Gate Crystal
Kei’S Bead
Kin’S Bead
Kupofried's Corundum
Lamb Memento
Learned Summoner's Shard
Learned Summoner's Soul
Legacy Phantom Gem
Lerene's Paten
Ligneous Naakual Paragon
Limit Breaker
Lunar Abyssite
Macabre Simulacrum
Maddening Petrifact
Magian Trial Log
Magma Mitigation Set
Maiden Phantom Gem
Manaclipper Multi-Ticket
Map of Abyssea - Misareaux
Map of Abyssea - Uleguerand
Margret's Imposter's Cipher
Margret's Imposter's Cipher Redux
Mark of the Einherjar
Master Breaker
Matriarch Naakual Paragon
Megomak's Shopping List
Memorian, the Magicked Doll
Memory Gem
Meriphataud Gate Crystal
Message From Yoyoroon
''mhmu Treatise On Agronomy''
''mhmu Treatise On Fish I''
''mhmu Treatise On Fish Ii''
''mhmu Treatise On Forestry''
''mhmu Treatise On Minerals''
Military Scrip
Mnejing's Receiver
Moghancement: Bounty
Moonlit Path Phantom Gem
''my First Furrow''
Mystical Canteen
''mythril Marathon Quarterly''
Neutral Periapt of Frontiers
Nonary Nazar
Octonary Nazar
Ortlinde's Feather
P. Perpetrator Phantom Gem
Pair of Fuzzy Earmuffs
Pair of Velkk Gloves
Paresis Resilience
Peppe-Aleppe's Superlative Tonic
Periapt of Clarity
Periapt of Emergence
Periapt of Guidance
Periapt of Percipience
Periapt of Recompense
Periapt of Sapience
Phantom Gem of Apathy
Phantom Gem of Arrogance
Phantom Gem of Cowardice
Phantom Gem of Envy
Phantom Gem of Rage
Phlox Yantric Planchette
Phoenix's Blessing
Pioneer's Badge
Primer On Martial Techniques
Prismatic Fragment
Prismatic Hourglass
Prototype Attuner
Pso'xja Pass
Puppet In Peril Phantom Gem
Pure White Feather
Rainbow Resonator
Reive Unity
Reliquiarium Key
Restrainment Resilience
Resurrection Retardant Axe
''rhapsody In Azure''
''rhapsody In Crimson''
''rhapsody In Emerald''
''rhapsody In Fuchsia''
''rhapsody In Mauve''
''rhapsody In Ochre''
''rhapsody In Puce''
''rhapsody In Umber''
''rhapsody In White''
Ring of Supernal Disjunction
Riptide Naakual Paragon
Rosulatia's Pome
Runic Disc
Runic Key
Ruspix's Plate
Russet Yantric Planchette
Rusted Hound Collar
Sajj'aka's Protective Ward
''sakura and the Cactus Corps''
''sakura and the Fountain''
''sakura and the Holy Grail''
''sakura and the Magic Spoon''
''sakura and the Magicked Net''
''sakura's Excellent Adventure''
San D'oria Trust Permit
Sapphire Abyssite of Fortune
Sapphire Abyssite of Furtherance
Savage's Phantom Gem
''scintillating Rhapsody''
Seductive Petrifact
Semi-Pure Alizarin Yggzi
Semi-Pure Aster Yggzi
Semi-Pure Celadon Yggzi
Semi-Pure Phlox Yggzi
Semi-Pure Russet Yggzi
Semi-Pure Zaffre Yggzi
Septenary Nazar
Sepulcher Ensign
Shadow Lord Phantom Gem
Shaft Gate Operating Dial
Shard of Apathy
Shard of Arrogance
Shard of Cowardice
Shard of Envy
Shard of Rage
Sheet of Destiny Destroyer Tunes
Shimmering Invitation
Silver Bell
Silver Knife Membership Card
Silver Mattock Cordon
Silver Shovel Cordon
Silvery Plate
Song of Hope
Starlight Voidwatcher's Emblem
Stellar Fulcrum Phantom Gem
Stygian Pact Phantom Gem
''susuroon's Biiig Catch''
Synergy Crucible
''take A Lode off''
''tales From the Tunnel''
Tear of Altana
Tenshodo Member's Card
Teodor's Blood Sigil
''the Gusgen Mines Tragedy''
''the Old Men of the Sea''
Tonberry Key
Toxin Resilience
Trainer's Whistle
Traverser Stone
Treatise On Martial Techniques
Tricolor Voidwatcher's Emblem
Unparalleled Corsair's Shard
Unparalleled Corsair's Soul
Uran-Mafran's Orb
''varicose Mineral Veins''
Velkk Fetish
''verdant and Verdon'ts''
Vial of Chaos's Blood
Vial of Shrouded Sand
Vivid Periapt of Adaptability
Vivid Periapt of Catalysis
Vivid Periapt of Concentration
Vivid Periapt of Concord
Vivid Periapt of Exploration
Vivid Periapt of Focus
Vivid Periapt of Frontiers
Vivid Periapt of Glory
Vivid Periapt of Intensity
Vivid Periapt of Readiness
Vivid Periapt of Vigilance
Voidwatcher's Emblem: Jeuno
Voidwatcher's Emblem: Qufim
Waking Dreams Phantom Gem
Warped Iron Giant Nail
Warrior's Path Phantom Gem
''water, Water Everywhere!''
White Stratum Abyssite Vi
Windurst Trust Permit
Wyrm God Phantom Gem
Yagudo Torch
Ygnas's Insignia
Ygnas's Leaf
Zaffre Yantric Planchette
Nyzul Tokens: 6643
Therion Ichor: 160
Cruor: 29943628
Voidstones: 81
Traverser Stones: 1698
A.M.A.N. Vouchers Stored: 28
Zeni: 0
Guild Points (Fishing): 0
Guild Points (Woodworking): 0
Guild Points (Smithing): 0
Guild Points (Goldsmithing): 0
Guild Points (Weaving): 0
Guild Points (Leathercraft): 0
Guild Points (Bonecraft): 0
Guild Points (Alchemy): 0
Guild Points (Cooking): 0
Assault Points (Leujaoam Sanctum): 11642
Assault Points (M.J.T.G.): 17943
Assault Points (Lebros Cavern): 19812
Assault Points (Periqia): 19295
Assault Points (Ilrusi Atoll): 19087
Beastman Seals (stored): 1776
Kindred Seals (stored): 26
Kindred Crests (stored): 380
High Kindred Crests (stored): 2138
Sacred Kindred Crests (stored): 4205
Bayld: 926840
Mweya Plasm Corpuscles: 95625
Escha Silt: 7784214
Escha Beads: 41191
Potpourri: 145472
Domain Points: 1420
Mog Segments: 1085
Gallimaufry: 165476
Job Points
Trusts (93)
Lhe Lhangavo
Nashmeira II
Nanaa Mihgo
Mihli Aliapoh
Iron Eater
King of Hearts
Lilisette II
D. Shantotto
Kuyin Hathdenna
Tenzen II
Star Sibyl
Lhu Mhakaracca
Naja Salaheem
Ferreous Coffin
Lion II
Arciela II
Lehko Habhoka
Zeid II
Iroha II
Uka Totlihn
Apururu (UC)
Prishe II
Shantotto II
Semih Lafihna
Coalition Ranks
Pioneer Legend
Courier Legend
Inventor Legend
Mummer Legend
Peacekeeper Legend
Scout Legend
Escha Vorseal
HP/MP+ 9
Acc/R.Acc/Eva+ 9
Def+ 9
Atk/R.Atk+ 8
M.Acc/M.Eva+ 8
M.Def+ 8
M.Atk+ 3
Occ. Nullifies Damage 3
Killer Effects+ 3
Damage Taken 3
Spoils+ 11
Rare Enemy+ 11
Luck+ 10
Regen+ 2
Refresh+ 2
Accuracy++ 3
tldr Great Model hume female with a full REMA Rank 15 Bard. ML50. Full empy+3. TP bonus dagger, Naegling. Corsair with R15 Death Penality Fomal, 2x Rostam. TP Bonus Gun. Reforged+3. Decked ML50 SCH with Musa, su5+2 full Enh duration and empy+3. +3 Warrior, Nyame all at rank 25. 6/6 Legend coalitions, Ready to make an Idris or Epeo. Over 20 pieces of Unity+1 r15. 8/5 Malignance. C. Palug including Crown. Nicely built Summoner Monberaux/Ygnas +93 trusts
Bid Start $800 Buyout $950
Paypal if rep allows, WU, Moneygram, Crypto, CashApp, Zelle.