Selling FFXI Nasomi Private Server Gil, Tradable Items!
Price: $4 per 100k Gil. (Will also sell in the form of items just ask.)
Payment: Paypal Gift or Cryptocurrency.
Discord: KbottySan#3653
*I will only trade up to a certain amount of gil at any given time for safety*
*Remember I am not responsible for any bans/suspensions related to RMT. I go through as many precautions as possible but purchase at your own risk*
Selling FFXI Nasomi/Eden Private Server Fishing Bot
This Bot is safe and external. The only thing to watch for are curious players/GM's. I run it all the time and have leveled fishing on 2 characters from 1-100 with it. This is something I have coded myself for personal use and now I'm looking to sell it privately to some people. I will only sell up to 10 keys for this at any given time as to keep it on the down low. If you are interested just add/message me on Discord and I will give you a demo of how it works.
Price: $20 per Month.
Payment: Paypal Gift or Cryptocurrency.
Discord: KbottySan#3653
Updated: 04/16/2019
Price: $4 per 100k Gil. (Will also sell in the form of items just ask.)
Payment: Paypal Gift or Cryptocurrency.
Discord: KbottySan#3653
*I will only trade up to a certain amount of gil at any given time for safety*
*Remember I am not responsible for any bans/suspensions related to RMT. I go through as many precautions as possible but purchase at your own risk*
Selling FFXI Nasomi/Eden Private Server Fishing Bot
This Bot is safe and external. The only thing to watch for are curious players/GM's. I run it all the time and have leveled fishing on 2 characters from 1-100 with it. This is something I have coded myself for personal use and now I'm looking to sell it privately to some people. I will only sell up to 10 keys for this at any given time as to keep it on the down low. If you are interested just add/message me on Discord and I will give you a demo of how it works.
Price: $20 per Month.
Payment: Paypal Gift or Cryptocurrency.
Discord: KbottySan#3653
Updated: 04/16/2019