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[PC/PS4] Elezen M *HA Spear*, PLD(i119),WAR(i118),DRG/BRD(i110),BLM(i109, Soldiery Sword, Ironwork

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  • neoex
    Owner Accountswappers.com
    • Jan 2015
    • 746

    [PC/PS4] Elezen M *HA Spear*, PLD(i119),WAR(i118),DRG/BRD(i110),BLM(i109, Soldiery Sword, Ironwork

    Elezen M

    Server Xfer is Available
    SE Q&A YES!

    Main Scenario Quests: Complete!
    Chronicles of a New Era: Complete!

    Value in misc. sellables 3000k

    Noteable Disciples of War Gear
    Burtgang (110)
    Rosenbogen (110)
    Curtana Animus (100)
    Holy Shield Animus (100)
    Ironworks Magitek Shield (120)
    Artemis Bow Zenith (90)
    Conquerer (110)
    High Allagan Spear (115)
    Flame Private's Cesti
    Aetherial Crabshell Horn
    Flame Private's Pot Helm
    High Allagan Mask of Aiming
    Ironwork's Helms of Fending
    Auroral Coif
    Weathered Astrum Helm
    Aetherial Steel Sallet
    Infantry Bandana
    Auroral Tabard
    Suit of Astrum Mail
    Flame Private's Shirt
    Ironworks Armor of Fending
    Flames Private's Harness
    Flames Private's Gown
    High Allagan Gauntlets of Maiming
    Infantry Glove
    High Allagan Gloves of Aiming
    Aetherial Hard Leather Ringbands
    Aetherial Goatskin Armguard
    Ironworks Gauntlets of Fending
    Aetherial Toadskin Armguards
    Flame Private'ss Halfgloves
    High Allagan Belt of Aiming
    Ironworks Belt of Fending
    Infantry Belt
    High Allagan Belt of Striking
    High Allagan Belt of Maiming
    Aurora Sash
    Aetherial Cotton Breeches
    Ironworks Trousers of Fending
    The Guardian Breeches of Maiming
    Amon's Breeches
    Flame Private's Chausses
    High Alladan Trousers of Striking
    High Allagan Sabatons of Maiming
    Demon Greaves of Maiming
    High Allagan Sabatons of Fending
    Infantry Tightboots
    Auroral Boots
    High Allagan Boots of Aiming
    Choral Sandals
    Flame Private's Jackboots
    Flame Private's Crakows
    Fighter's Jackboots
    Dranchen Greaves
    Ironworks Choker of Fending
    Gloam Choker
    High Allagan Choker of Fending
    Auroral Choker
    Aetherial Sunstone Choker
    Noct Choker
    High Allagan Earrings of Slaying
    Gloam Earrings
    High Allagan Earrings of Fending
    Flame Sergeant's Ear Cuffs
    Auroral Earring
    High Allagan Earring of Aiming
    Noct Earring
    Ironworks Earring of Fending
    Ironworks Bracelet of Fending
    Aetherial Boarskin Wristbands
    Gloam Wristlets
    True Ice Bracelet of Slaying
    High Allagan Bracelets of Fending
    Auroral Wristlets
    True Ice Bracelet of Aiming
    Auroral Ring
    Weathered Gloam Ring
    Ironworks Ring
    Flames Private's Ring
    Augmented Ironworks Ring of Fending
    Gloam Ring
    Ironworks Ring of Fending

    Noteable Disciples of Magic Gear
    Laevateinn (110)
    Thyrus Zenith (90)
    Stardust Rod Zenith (90)
    Aetherial Hard Leather Grimoire
    Bogatyr's Circlet of Healing
    Evenstar Hat
    Cleric's Robe
    Evenstar Coat
    Acolyte's Halfgloves
    Evenstar Gloves
    Scylla's Gloves of Healing
    Battlemage's Gloves
    Aetherial Cotton Dress Gloves
    Hero's Belt of Healing
    Aetherial Rope Belt
    Battlemage's Belt
    Evenstar Sash
    Acolyte's Skirt
    High Allagan Pantaloons of Healing
    High Allagan Breeches of Casting
    Wizard's Tonban
    Wizard's Crakows
    High Allagan Boots of Casting
    Healer's Boots
    High Allagan Thightboots of Healing
    Hero's Necklace of Healing
    High Allagan Choker of Casting
    Evenstar Earrings
    Hero's Earrings of Healing
    Evenstar Armillae
    High Allagan Bracelets of Healing
    Weathered Evenstar Ring
    Daystar Ring
    Hero's Ring of Healibg

    Noteable Disciples of the Hand/Land
    Iron Skillet
    Goldsmith's Turban
    Partisan's Crown
    Brass Alembic
    Mahogany Spinning Wheel
    Artisan's Spinning Wheel
    Hamrlet Digger's Helment
    Leatherworker's Hat
    Leatherworker's Shirt
    Dodore Survival Belt
    Artisan's Awl
    Artisan's Mitts
    Artisan's Culottes
    Artisan's Sandals
    Weaver's Gibus
    Rose Gold Choker (Craftman's Cunning Materia III, CP +3)
    Mosshorn Earring (Craftman's Cunning Materia III, CP +3)
    Aetheryte Ring (Craftman's Cunning Materia III, CP +3)
    Aetheryte Ring (Craftman's Command Materia III, CP +3)

    Soul of the Dragoon
    Soul of the Bard
    Soul of the Warrior
    Soul of the Paladin
    Soul of the Monk
    Soul of the White Mage
    Soul of the Black Mage

    Mounts and Minions
    Company Chocobo
    Fat Chocobo
    Magitek Armor
    Gilded Magitek Armor
    Black Chocobo Chick
    Princecly Hatchling
    Cherry Bomb
    Baby Behemoth
    Morbol Seedling
    Baby Bun
    Wide-eyed Fawn
    Dust Bunny
    Pudgy Puk
    Buffalo Calf
    Infant Imp
    Beady Eye
    Fledgling Dodo
    Coblyn Larva
    Gobbue Sproutling
    Slime Puddle
    Eggplant Knight
    Naughty Nanka
    Demon Box
    Mammet #001
    Mammet #003U
    Gravel Golem
    Wind-up Onion Knight
    Wind-up Odin
    Wind-up Warrior of Light*.

    Allagan Tomestones Tier I: 0
    Allagan Tomestones Tier II: 1,330
    Allagan Tomestones Tier III: 215
    Company Seals: 240
    Wolf Marks: 1,552
    Allied Seals: 995

    tldr& Very Load Elezen with a super decked Paladin with proper gear, crafting max melded artisan gear. over 2 million gil on hand, artisans goldsmith grinding wheel, goldsmith desynth 70, tons of Mounts, Susbscription active for 5 months(PC or PS). So play for free for over 5 months

    Bid Sart $400, Buyout $700

    WU or Moneygram Payment, Paypal if rep allows.
    I have 5 years history and 100% Postive feedback
    Last edited by neoex; 01-30-2015, 07:30 AM.
    Owner - Accountswappers.com

    EGS SuperMod
  • neoex
    Owner Accountswappers.com
    • Jan 2015
    • 746

    Account Sold Thank you EGS
    Owner - Accountswappers.com

    EGS SuperMod

