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What is the use of Geftinat 250mg Tablet?
It stops the spreadation and growth of cancer cells. Geftinat 250mg Tablet is useful for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer. It is the most occurred... -
What to do if I miss a dose of Keytruda 100mg/4ml Injection?
Consult with your doctor immediately and of course do not overdose the medicine. This medicine is for the treatment of cancers. Keytruda 100mg/4ml Pr... -
How to take Keytruda 100mg/4ml Injection?
This medicine is useful for the treatment of various variants of cancer. keytruda 100mg/4ml Injection shall be given to the patient by a medical professional.... -
What are the diseases that Lenangio 25mg Capsules treats?
Multiple myeloma and myelodysplastic syndrome are treatable with Lenangio 25mg Capsules. Both are the variants of blood cancer and are difficult to treat... -
What is the Usage of Erlocip Tablets?
It is a prescription-based medicine that will help you to fight with cancer. Erlocip Tablet Uses is to treat pancreatic and lung cancer. Buy this medicine... -
What is the usage of Keytruda 100mg/4ml Injection?
The usage of keytruda injection is to treat cancer. Keytruda 100mg/4ml Injection will make the immunity system strong and help it to fight cancer. The...
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