The test measures the student's achievement in a number of subjects during his studies in the scientific section of the secondary stage, and is presented in Arabic.
استخراج الرخصة المهنية
Test objective:
It is a measure of a student's achievement at the secondary level in specific subjects.
رابط التسجيل في الرخصة المهنية للمعلمين
The questions of this test sections focus on the general concepts in the following scientific subjects:
1- Biology
2- Chemistry
3- Physics
4- Mathematics
Note: The academic achievement questions include the courses mentioned in the three grades of high school, the Department of Natural Sciences (Science).
التسجيل في الرخصة المهنية
The nature of academic achievement questions for scientific disciplines:
The questions in the academic achievement sections vary in terms of the nature of their focus on the different levels of knowledge: knowledge - understanding - application - .... etc.
The questions cover the three secondary school grades in the following proportions:
20% of the first grade
30% of the second grade
50% of the third grade
The questions are distributed in close proportions to the subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics