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Rules for Retaking the Thesis

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  • yeonadussy
    EGS Registered
    • Mar 2022
    • 1

    Rules for Retaking the Thesis

    Rules for Retaking the Thesis

    The defense of the WRC does not always go smoothly. Graduates may become overwhelmed with excitement, realizing the seriousness of the write my essay situation and the procedure as a whole. Banal stress, lack of sleep, fear can paralyze even the most successful student, an excellent student. According to statistics, about 10% of graduates are faced with the fact that they have to retake their thesis.

    Re-submission of the thesis: what is it?

    The retake of the thesis is actually a “chance for rehabilitation”, when the student is given another opportunity to defend his project to the examiners and get a well-deserved mark for it and a performance, a demonstration of his knowledge and professional qualities. Re- defense of the thesis is not provided to every student. Here it is necessary to have specific reasons and grounds.

    When is it possible to retake the WRC?

    The hire an essay writer administration can provide a "second chance" in two cases:
    • The date of the defense is postponed at the initiative of the university (for example, when several members of the commission, for objective reasons, cannot appear for the defense);
    • Due to the fault of the graduate: the student could not adequately present his project at the defense of the WRC or did not receive admission to this procedure.

    Reasons for retaking a thesis

    The most common reasons for retaking a graduation project are:
    • The student was unable to prepare the material in accordance with the stated requirements on time (non-admission to the defense);
    • The student has academic debt behind him;
    • The student missed the defense of the project for a good reason, which he can document;
    • The curator or reviewer has provided a negative review, a review and the material need to be improved;
    • The project did not pass the normative control or the significant shortcomings of the project were highlighted directly on the defense;
    • The student failed to adequately present his work at the defense (excitement, fear, poor preparation, etc.).

    It is important to come to the defense of the WRC, even if you are not at all ready for it. Failure to appear for the do essay defense actually instantly crosses out the possibility of further retake. In case of non-appearance (without a valid reason) for the defense of the thesis, the student will be expelled from the university. In fact, any failure (with the exception of absenteeism) provides an opportunity for the graduate to be rehabilitated.

    More resources:
    What Should Be Reflected in the Review of the Thesis?
    Initial Data for the Thesis: What Is It and Why?
    Sources of Information as a Type of Source Data
    Initial Data at the Stage of Registration of the WRC
    How to Search for Data for the Thesis?
    Problems of distance learning and the way to fix them
    University education - expectation/reality